Monday, February 10, 2020

Best Self Box: What do you get into arguments about?

I'm dipping into the box tonight as I'm still a bit knackered from the weekend and I really, really don't feel like writing. I need to acclimatise myself into more office-appropriate hours as I've been going to bed late, getting up late. As of next Monday, I'll be back at work so I think doing this gently is a good thing.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm looking forward to going back to work. Okay, I need the money, but I'm looking forward to getting out of the house. I'm feeling a bit cabin sick.

Anyway, today's box question, What do I get into arguments about?

Well, living alone means I don't have anybody to argue with on a regular basis.

At work, I'm often the line of least resistance person or the one giving the orders so arguing isn't something that comes into it.

I argue politics with my family, toeing the left-wing, greener aspects of the argument. These can get pretty heated at times, but never do they get nasty. It is fun having polar opposite views compared to your family, who, for the most part, are what you could call just right of centre. But still, I argue politics with my family. I look on it as sport.

I also sit in the corner agreeing with the following topics:

  • Vaccinations are necessary
  • Climate Change is real
  • Our democracy is being eroded away
  • Spaying your pets is a good thing
  • The Liberal/National Party are a mob of muppets
  • Brexit is a terrible thing
  • Gun control is a good thing
  • Rabbits are either vermin or food
  • Bananas are awful
  • Keto diets are not good long term
  • The Pixies are the best band in the world
  • The Kardashians are a waste of space
  • The ABC is a national treasure which needs to be funded better
  • Cyclists are not all evil
  • People who don't use indicators should be shot on sight
  • There is little point to the works of Peter Carey and Kate Grenville
  • Booker Prize winners are normally an awesome read
  • The Oxford Comma should be used sparingly
  • Karl Stefanovic is more watchable than Kochie (just)
  • They should be doing more about the recycling in Australia
  • Boycotting Murdoch entertainment / newspapers is a good thing
  • South Australia is the best state in Australia
  • Menopause does not have to be suffered through
  • Water is a human right, not something to be bought and sold by the government...

There are lots of things I will argue about. It just doesn't happen that often.

I find myself in a bit of an echo chamber a lot of the time, but hey, it's the way things roll. 

Today's Song: (Heard in the gym tonight - it's awesome)

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