Friday, February 28, 2020

Sick, Again

Thankfully not big sick. But sick. Hacking up a lung sick. No bleeding eardrums this time. Actually I feel okay other than the hacking cough, which has gone from a tickle to a bark in the space of four days.

I'm over coughing. After last year with the two massive chest infections in the space of a month, I don't need this.

At least I've caught this one fairly early. I went and saw a doctor tonight - mostly out of necessity. I've got a ticket to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child with friends on Sunday. I'm due to be in a theatre from 2 pm til about 10.30 pm (with a three hour break between plays). It is awesome. I've seen it once and I'm desperate to see it again, this time sharing the experience with people.

This can't get in the way of Harry Potter.

I also go back to school on Tuesday - the novel writing course. I need to be healthy for that.

So it was off to the doctor tonight. I'm back on antibiotics (necessary evil) and the doctor has ordered me to use ventolin with a spacer regularly. (Though allegedly asthmatic, I still blow a peak flow of 550... go figure.)

I just need to get better now.

And at least its not coronavirus.

Also, just for the record, as I went to the emergency doctor at the shopping centre, I was seen by this fellow with the most amazing green eyes. It sort of made going to see the doctor just a little better.

Ah well. Off to bed. Early night. Let the body rest and the chest relax.

Today's song:

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