Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Birthday Meme

First up, it's not my birthday. My birthday is in August. But happy birthday to Bev at Sunday Stealing who sources these questions.

After the events of Friday, I'm feeling better about things, bit it still nice to have some easy questions to deal with. (For those who only read my Sunday Stealing responses, I was mugged on Friday, handbag (purse) stolen complete with mobile phone (cell phone), wallet and car / house keys. Lots of time spent with the police, Thankfully my keys were handed in to the police station early in the evening, but it's been a right inconvenience). I'm also grateful I wasn't hurt in the incident.  But still.

Enough of this, on with the questions.

Have you ever

1. Broken a bone?

Only a little toe.

2. Broken a window?


3. Been on TV?

Yes. I was on an episode of Win Roy and HG's Money about twenty years ago. I won $700 dollars.

4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?

Not a good friend, but there are a number of people I know who have the same August birthday as me. It's quite a dull day in the middle of winter. Joy.

5. Locked your keys in the car?

Yes, but that was years ago and thankfully I was around blokes who were good with coat hangers / strapping who could get me out of the fix easily.

6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person?

That happens once or twice a year - thankfully its normally nothing more than a I'm running late notice.

7. Sat in the back of a police car?

No. But I've had more time down the police station this week than I would ever have dreamed of having at the start of Friday. The police I was dealing with were wonderful.

8. Fallen asleep at work?

Only for micro naps.

9. Made a snow angel?

No, but I've made Sand Angels - we don't have much snow here - it fact it basically never snows in Melbourne. Sand angels are made in the soft sand at the beach. Done that.

10. Ridden in an ambulance

Yes, but only because I was an ambulance cadet as a kid.

11. Worst household chore

Anything to do with floors - mopping and hoovering - hate them both with a passion.

12 .Worst colour

I'm not partial to pink. Actually I really don't like pink. Lime green isn't great either, - especially when found on cars.

13. Worst pizza topping

Four cheese pizza does nothing for my stomach. I'm also not partial to anything with bacon on it. Not really a fan bacon on pizza - ham, yes, sausage, yes, but bacon is overkill.

I do, however, like anchovies, mushrooms and occasionally pineapple, but don't tell anybody about the last one (Pineapple is okay for BBQ Chicken and Hawaiian pizza and only when the latter is bought in an ironic fashion. There are big fights about this topic in Australia.)

14. Worst weather

Hot, humid weather. Only bearable when I'm on holiday somewhere tropical where I don't have to move much further than to the pool and back.

15. Worst self-care job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails)

I'm forever spilling toothpaste down my front. I don't clean my teeth before I put the top layer on. I hate doing my toenails too, but they are a necessity.

16. Worst game

Not a fan of tennis or golf. Both are just boring.

17. Worst school subject

Physics. But then again it was taught by a yeti. I may have done better with another teacher.

18. Worst animal

Not fond of crocodiles. Ugly, dangerous creatures. Snakes are pretty rank too.

19. Worst season

Summer. But Australian summers are horrid in their intensity. Give me an English summer any day.

20. Worst TV show

Game of Thrones. I never go into it as it was far too violent and gory for my liking. Only watched the first season and then had to turn off (though I did read the recaps.)

Today's Song:


  1. What was going on with the police this week?

  2. I haven't seen Game of Thrones. I watch way to many and most are the medical ones.

  3. You are right, we do share a lot of similar answers today. I see your birthday is in August, so maybe one birthday is Aug. 15. Close?

  4. Hi Pand,

    I LOVE Game of Thrones - so do most of my family in fact.




  5. I am not a fan of tennis or golf either. Good answer! I love your answers! Have a nice day!

  6. I have never watched Game of Thrones.
    I'm so sorry you were attacked.

  7. I’ve never watched “GOT” either. I did try to watch “The Walking Dead”. I did not even get through 5 minutes of it. I won’t spoil it for anyone, but it was really gross. Kinda funny cuz I loved “Santa Clarita Diet”, but then Drew Barrymore was in it and it was quite funny.
    I’m quite late this week, but please do stop by my blog.
