Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Getting to Know you Meme

I'm supposed to be cleaning my flat ready for an inspection on Thursday. Instead I'm doing my blogging.

So, I reckon I will do one question and then do a job to get this cleaning out the way.

Questions, as aways, sourced by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

Jobs done by me.

1. What is your favorite color?

It's one of the following. Pillarbox red, cobalt blue or jade green.

(Bed made)

2. If you could get on a plane tomorrow and travel anywhere, where would you go?

Either England or Spain. Both places I love, but for very different reasons. I have far more of Spain that I want to do including the Camino de Compostella de Santiago.

England is my spiritual home and after seeing The Professor and the Madman on Friday, I'm feeling a bit homesick.

(Shower scrubbed out)

3. Were you closer to your mother or to your father

Though I wasn't particularly close to either parent growing up, I've always been closer to my Mum. Although we're not especially close, we talk once  a week and share a love of books and movies.

(Windowsills wiped down)

4. What is your favorite meal (savory and dessert)

Savoury - Mum's roast lamb. Of if I'm buying, the Vietnamese down the road does a great Dry Chilli Beef which is amazing.

Dessert: Creme Brulee, anything ice cream, Lemon Meringue Pie.

(Scrubbed out the sink in the kitchen)

5. Can you wink with each eye?  (How about curl your tongue)

Yes, but I can sit with my left eye closed for as long as you like, where my right eye I have to think about it.  I can also curl my tongue.

(Had lunch)

6. Beach or forest?

Beach - just - and it has to be a good beach, like the beaches in Adelaide, which a great.

(Cleaned teeth)

7. City or farm?

City - again, just, but in my current iteration, there is a bit more for me to do in the city,

(Found the couch under a pile of magazine, throwing out a heap of them)

8. Would you rather be blind from birth or turn blind as a teenager?

I think I'd rather be blind from birth - that way you'd not have an idea what you'd missed out on and would have got the help you need to learn things like braille. Going blind is a huge fear for me - I'd go mad if I couldn't read.

9. Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed?

Overdressed. You can always take off your jewellery, open a button or throw on a plain cardigan to dress yourself down if you need to. Nothing worse than turning up in casual and everybody around you is dressed to the nines.

(Bathroom glass done)

10. If you could pass alone one of your attributes to your children, which would it be?

I don't have kids, but if I did I'd like to think they might get some of my sense of adventure, my sense of humour and my resilience.)

(Threw out a few things).

11. What are you most insecure about?

Having my photo taken. Hate it.

(Washed dishes)

12. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?

Somebody who is fat, ugly and stupid. That never goes away.

(Organised a meeting I've been putting off organising)

13. What is the saddest you’ve ever felt?

When people die my world is shaken. I remember being very sad when my father, my Aunt, my niece and my friend Anney died. They were all different sadnesses, but all cut me to the quick.

I have been sad this week at the plight of women in Australia and the current disease of domestic violence. Something horrible happened in Brisbane earlier this week. It's inexcusable and awful. I don't want to rehash it, but it has made the country sad.

(Hoovered the hallway)

14. Would you rather have your own private island, or your own private jet?

Private jet - I think of the places I could go on a whim.

(I can see the bedroom floor now)

15. How do you think you will die?

With any luck, in my old age, in my sleep, with people around me.

Today's Song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    I totally agree about the private jet. If I were rich enough to have one, I think I'd spend most of my life travelling.




  2. You’ve been so productive today. I’m jealous.

  3. #12...I totally get how you feel. It is awful. So many of us feel that way too.
    I wish I were as productive as you have been! Good for you! Yay!! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. So glad I could help you get your house clean! Very productive.

    Depressing how many of us are so insecure!

  5. Thanks for the song--I don't recall hearing it.

    Good luck with the inspection.

  6. I am always in awe of the ease those who live in places other than the U.S. speak of traveling the world. You are so much more at ease with it and accept it as a normal part of life. You've done so much traveling, been so many places, seen and done so many things and for most of us in the states traveling to a foreign country is often a once in a lifetime thing...if it happens at all.
