Saturday, February 8, 2020

Travelled Out

Things to know about today:
  • I have travelled to South Australia.
  • I am travelling with six others
  • As an introvert, this has its challenges, but I am amongst friends. 
  • I'm forever rounding up these friends to get them moving. This is okay. 
  • We had dinner at a Thai Restaurant in Victor Harbor, with my parents, some friends of theirs and my step sister. 
  • There is a big party at my parents place tomorrow.
  •  The Air BnB we are staying in is really lovely. Pity we're only here for one night.
  • We went down to my favourite beach in the whole wide world before we came down here. 
  • I'm going swimming at 7.30 tomorrow morning with a friend at my most favourite beach (this will entail a forty minute drive each way, oh well, it is the best beach in the world.
  • My friends think I'm mad to be going swimming at 7.30 tomorrow morning.
  • I am very privileged to come from such a place.
  • But I could never live here again. 
Not much of a blog post. A bit too much travelling and a bit too much gin has addled my brain.

Today's song:

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