Monday, March 30, 2020

Best Self Card: Arguments

Quick one today as I have council minutes to write up, pieces for school to critique and my own novel work to get on with.

So I drew a Best Self Card from the box. Today's subject to write about. What do you get into the most arguments about?

That's easy. Politics.

I prefer to call them discussions. Occasionally heated discussions.

Just because I'm on the left of things - preferring out money to be going into schools and hospitals rather than big business. I'd rather see us not pandering to millionaires, as opposed to not seeing that the little people are having their say and due.

I hate the march to the far right, which frankly, scares the fuck out of me.

I think the Church as absolutely NO PLACE in modern politics. Absolute separation between Church and State is tantamount to a democracy. We don't have that at the moment.

I really dislike 99% of the current Cabines. I'll say good things about Marise Payne, Foreign Minister, mainly because she doesn't fuck up as much as the rest of them.

I hope when their term is over Morrison, Dutton, Angus Taylor and that awful Michaelia Cash end up in prison for crimes against humanity.

I'm hoping that this Covid-19 might restore a bit of common sense and humanity to global politics, though I don't like my chances.

You can see why I get into arguments about this.

Ah well.

Today's Song:

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