Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cottage by the Sea meme

I've got an afternoon of writing. Needs to be done as I need to get on with my school work (along with a bit of reading) It also means I don't have to go out into the great unwashed world and listen to the weirdness that's going on at the moment. Currently, in Australia, because of the Coronavirus, something has taken place in the Australian psyche and we're starting to take on a mob mentality. People are stockpiling stuff. You can't buy toilet paper for love nor money - there have been fights over it in supermarkets. It's so strange.

Anyway, I get to write at home with the cat. I can ignore the crazies.

Questions, as always, from Bev at SundayStealing.

01  What is the worst nickname that anyone has ever called you?

My father used to refer to me as 'Fatso'. It left a very large dent in my psyche.

02  Have you got a favorite flower?

I'm a big lover of roses. Any roses. Sunflower in the wild are pretty awesome too.

03  Do you add a sauce, ketchup or other artificial flavorings to your food?

Yes. I'm a bogon (redneck) Tomato sauce (ketchup) goes on everything from eggs to barbeque. I like mint sauce on my roast lamb, apple sauce on roast pork and horseradish sauce on roast beef. It's just the way I roll.

04  Describe yourself using only words that begin with the letter 'T'. 

Terrific, terrible, tenacious, troublesome, tranquil, tortured, tough, teasing, tight, toned.... that will do. And I'm all of these sometimes or all the time.

05  What is/was your lover's pet name for you?

I've never really had one of those (pet name, not bloke). Currently bloke occasionally calls me Minx, Trouble or Jezebel. No idea why.

06  What is your least favorite color?

Pink. Really not a fan of pink.

07  Who did you vote for in the last election, and did they win?

Umm, in Australia our system is very different. So at a Federal level, I voted Green for the house of representatives (and he got in) and a mix of Green / Labor / Independent in the Senate, ensuring none of my votes went to conservative factions. Unfortunately, the conservatives hold power - and they are doing a terrible job.

State wise, I voted Labor in the lower house as the opposition were even more woeful that their Federal counterparts and the upper house it was a mix of Reason Party, Greens and Labour.

I like to spread my vote around.

08  What is/was your grandfathers’ names?

I had a Darcy Elliot on Dad's side and a Reginald Lancelot on Mum's side. Needless to say, if my maternal grandfather was alive today he'd be 121. Old names are fun.

09  What is the best present you ever received? 

An airfare to England. Best thing ever.

10  What is 17 1/2% of 97 + 42 x (6 / 2) – 137 ?

Minus 1.925. I used a calculator.

11  What would be the best possible way you could live?

As simply as possible. Preferably with an affectionate, intelligent bloke and a couple of affectionate dogs and cats.

12  Given the choice of absolutely anything, what would be your dream job?  

Writer of novels. Successful writer of novels.

13  What position do you sleep in at night?

I start off sleeping on my stomach - I normally wake up on my side in some way.

14  What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Far too many things have happened. I'm forever making an embarrassment of myself. I remember my dress splitting down the back at work one day. That was awful.

15  Who is your favorite fictional character?  

As much as I love Antonio Corelli, I think I love Pelagia more - from Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Alexander Rostov in A Gentleman in Moscow is wonderful too - so loveable.

16  What food do you hate most in the world?

I'm not a fan of the following - wouldn't say hate, I just avoid the following:

  • Bananas
  • Lasagne
  • Nasi Lemak
  • Duck done the Balinese way (Deep fried into oblivion)

The top three have given me food poisoning, the latter is just disgusting.

17  When was the last time you were ill?

Last week - had a minor chest infection. All good now - definitely not coronavirus.

18  If you were transformed into a wild creature, what would it be?

I'd love to be a lion or a tiger. I'm a big fan of cats. I'm just a big cat when it all comes down to it.

19  What was your favorite toy as a child, and whatever happened to it?

I was a big fan of lego. I still am. Mum still has our lego at home in a box, there for when kids come over and it gives them something to play with.

20  What's the most amazing thing you've ever seen?

The current run on toilet paper because of the coronavirus. I've never seen anything so ridiculous in my life. Human stupidity knows no bounds.

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    Lancelot? What a great name!

    I'm certain we'll a Pandora novel soon enough.




  2. I am impressed with your mathematical skills.
    Transforming into a tiger would feel so powerful...

  3. I had to look up Nasi Lamak. I don't hate (but dont necessarily like) anchovies, but it sounds interesting.

    Reginald Lancelot is a great, if strange, name.

  4. Lancelot is a cool name. My recently discovered half-brother's middle name is Prometheus which I thought was interesting. I'm taking your word for the math problem. So far only 2 of you have answered and you both have different answers. I think I'll stick to my answer...aliens.
