Thursday, March 19, 2020

#fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Today, I got the gutting news that my glorious neighbours of 14 years, Lea and Marc, have both been let go from their jobs and they will have to leave their home and move in with their family in the burbs. My heart is a little broken. I've lived above them for over a decade and they are great people. We feed each other's cats. We have each other's keys. They, like me, are quiet, friendly and responsible.

Scrap that - I'm going to start a new hashtag or two. #fuckcoronavirus. #fuckcovid19

I think I need to get this out of me. But I'll also try an look at the good.

But now, I need a bit of a whinge. Get it all out then go back to my normal, semi-optimistic, brightside-looking self.

I know what a lucky, privileged situation I find myself in - employed for at least a year in an essential service company, solvent, able to work from home, under 70, not overseas... the list is long and I am very, very grateful.

But some things just suck.

So let's get this all out of me. Here's my gripe list.

Okay, so I can't travel to Sydney for the foreseeable future. There goes my very limited lovelife and my sanity breaks as I like to call them. #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

The gym won't be open for much longer. Everybody knows this. The gym keeps me sane. I have to find a way to exercise inside if we go into lockdown or I will go spare. At least for the moment I can go for a walk.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

The reports about people stockpiling food and other goods then selling them on for profits shit me to tears.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

School has been cancelled for the next few weeks. It will happen but I wanted to do it NOW.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Working from home is isolating. Very isolating. But we are monitoring this situation and keeping a handle on it.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

I went out for a dinner last night with some friends. A last gasp attempt at normality. We sat outside. We couldn't share stuff. Worst of all, there were no hugs. I like hugging my friends. No hugging. We tapped feet at the end of the night breaking the 1.5 metre ruling. It's not the same tapping feed. I wanted a Thom hug (Thom gives the best hugs).  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

If I go into the office, there is no eating in the kitchen, no sharing food, not birthday cakes, no bake offs, no lolly jars. All the fun stuff has been taken away.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Everybody is a bit jittery and grumpy.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

If you cough or sneeze, people look at you as if you're about to give them Bubonic Plague and they scowl at you.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Book group got cancelled. We're looking into virtual options.   #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

I will have to break in new neighbours.  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

How do you go to the hairdresser and maintain a social distance?  #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Okay, whine over. I look at this list:
  • Sydney trips will happen again
  • The gym will reopen
  • School will be great once we get the format running online
  • Working from home means I get reading breaks on the couch at lunch, and we are all careful to check in with each other - I've only been there a month, but the people are lovely. 
  • I will be able to hug my friends again
  • I'm better off without the bakery culture at work anyway
  • I can watch what I eat better at home
  • People will pick up
  • Maybe capitalism can seriously go get fucked now
  • Along with the patriarchy
  • People will stop coughing
  • The empty trams, when you go on one, are quite refreshing
  • People are helping each other out
  • The new neighbours might be lovely
  • Lea and Marc will find employment again
  • Book Group will reconvene - and we will check in on each other
  • As she works in a very small salon, I might be able to risk the hairdresser without setting off my social conscience
  • And the earth might heal a bit while we're all on lockdown.
But still.

 #fuckcoronavirus #fuckcovid19

Now, no more whining. Back to my normal self now. 

Today's song: (Because I need a sweary song)


  1. summed it up perfectly.
    Take care and virtual hugs

  2. Agreed and sorry to hear about your glorious neighbours

  3. Totally agree. Maybe the powers to be will freeze rent/mortgage payments (one state has done it) and your lovely neighbors could stay. Hoping xx

  4. Totally agree. Maybe the powers to be will freeze rent/mortgage payments (one state has done it) and your lovely neighbors could stay. Hoping xx
