Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Dev Chronicles - Part Four

I don't have much to write about today, so I'm doing another Dev session. I'm over writing about Coronavirus and I don't want to go on about the joy that is Lucifer the cat.

So we'll do a Dev session. Gets the writing done for the day. These are great sessions. Highly recommended for all writers of all skill levels.

The showing of gratitude:

The thank you letter:

The most urgent task is the showing of gratitude.

Dear Universe,

I know it's a bit sappy to not thank a person, or a situation or something more concrete, but I feel I have to say thank you for everything you have given me lately - and this is a hell of a lot.

Part of me says that I should be writing to God, but I am thankful that I no longer really believe in a monotheistic presence - which is why I'm thanking you, the universe. It's a bigger thing - it also gives me a chance to look at my own free will and the desire for getting on with my life - which is great.

I have to thank you for giving me the courage to pursue things. You've lead me to a job, which I rather like and enjoy - allowing me to have a bit of security at this really insecure time. I know it was me who went out and got the job, but thank you for leading me to the opportunities.

Thank you also for giving me the courage to go and find Lucifer. I know he's going to be with me for a hell of a long time, and this still scares the living hell out of me, but that little presence in my bed and in my flat is keeping me a lot more level. Just having somebody to look after, talk to, feed and cuddle is making me feel whole. I know I've always loved animals, especially cats and dogs, but I've never let myself have one. I'm so glad he's come into my life - I think we were sort of make for each other.

Thank you for the lovely weather we're having at the moment. I know we're not supposed to be out much, but it is great to get some  sunshine on your skin. The lap of the Tan track the other night was simply magnificent.

I know this sounds a bit strange, but thank you for the Coronavirus. Thank you for allowing the Western World to slow the hell down for a bit and to reconsider exactly what they are doing. I don't like that people are getting sick and dying, but the consequences of the virus may mean we come out as a better, more compassionate, more reasonable, more caring society. Well, I live in hope. I know there are some big lessons to learn here, and I thank you for the lessons.

Thank you also for all the blessings I have in my life. There are a lot of them. That I'm solvent, fairly happy, have friends, have a roof over my head, food in my belly and I can do whatever I want within reason - all of this is huge. I really do thank you for these blessings.

That will be my time, but thank you again, Universe, for all you provide.

With love,


Ten minutes okay seven.

Write about your favourite person.

I can't write about my two favourite people on this blog as I don't write about them on this blog. There are some things that I keep for me, and my two favourite people are in that realm of just for me.

I can tell you very little about them. They are both male, but educated and intelligent , both have pale eyes, but that is where the similarities stop.

I fell in love with both of them slowly. One came more as a surprise, as at the time, the self-loathing in me was strong and I thought I wasn't good enough for him. The other, I was never supposed to fall in love with.

Both of these people I am completely at ease with, but in very different ways. Both think I'm barking mad, but in different ways.

But what I love about them both is that they let me be just me. They don't try and change me. They encourage my writing - never a bad thing.

But I don't get to see them often enough.

I wish I could be more concrete than this, but I've sworn to myself never to write about them in detail on this blog. As they are mine, and I don't like to share them with people.  I don't share them with people. They get that I compartmentalise my life. It's been a necessary feature of my life for many years.

It would be nice to love somebody and let the world know about it.

Today's Song:

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