Wednesday, April 8, 2020

30 Words

I'm knackered. Didn't get a great sleep last night, have had a strange day, and I've spent some time working on my novel tonight. But that leaves the daily blog.

(Oh before I start on this, do you know how absolutely magic it is to have a cat which jumps up onto your shoulder and demands a cuddle? It is very magic)

Anyway, one of my challenges this month is to do the daily Writer's Victoria Flash fiction challenge.

At 9 AM every morning, on Twitter, he day's theme is set. You have until 9 PM to  get your 30 word story in.

You think telling a story in 30 words can't be done. Well Hemingway demonstrated it could be done in six ('For sale. Baby's shoes. Never worn.').

It's a good way to hone your writing skills.

Here are my entries for the last week. And yes, I have a different Twitter handle.

All words are my own. The word of the day is found in the hashtag.

Will try write something better tomorrow.

Today's Song

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