Friday, April 10, 2020

And the good...

There is some good that is coming out of this isolation lark.

I'm just back after a mercy run out to Blarney and Barneys. Cakes and pasta sauce deposited. A glass of red was imbibed on the front verandah while we had a chat. Blarney is doing okay - it will take some time, but she's looking well.

Social distance was maintained. Maow Maow was cuddled, a much required element of the trip. I've been cuddling that cat for over ten years, just because I have my own doesn't mean I'll stop giving him a cuddle now. We had a chat for a bit. I offered to do some chores. Everything was under control. It was lovely to see my friends. The only people I've spent any time with (at a socially acceptable distance) is Jay and Cleo for exercise - with the odd encounter with the neighbours.

I took stock of the many blessings that showed through as I drove home. There are lots of them.

1) The run out to Blarney's normally takes 30-40 minutes. Without the traffic I was there in 20 and home in 23 minutes. Got caught at the lights of Punt Road. That slowed me up.

2) The air is noticably clearer.

3) Air traffic noise is all but gone.

4) You don't get snarled up in all the regular horrible traffic spots - MacRobertson's Bridge, City Road and Southbank Boulevard, Punt Road and Swan Street - hell, even getting down Church Street is great. You don't have to wait three sets of lights to turn the corner of any major intersection.

5) Changing lanes on the Westgate is a dream.

6) The only place you see a crowd is outside the fish and chip shop (There was a socially distanced crowd outside the chippy on Swan Street.)

7) You can get parking on main roads. This almost never happens.

8) Nobody appears to be in a rush any more.

9) You really, really appreciate when you do get to spend more than ten minutes outside. Like really, really appreciated it.

10) The low grade road rage is gone.

11) People do seem a bit friendlier - even from a distance.

12) You're saving money because you're not eating out anywhere near as much.

13) Same goes for drinking.

14) And you're looking forward to the day you can actually kiss and hug your friends. Really looking forward to that.

15) Strangely, I'm looking forward to getting back on a plane.

I don't want to take this time for granted.

Anyway, I am in enforced lock down now. Outside my door is the mother of all huntsmen. The downstairs neighbour, who normally does my bidding is too stoned to sort out the situation. I've emptied a can of bug spray onto the screen door to keep the fucker out.

So, as I'm basically a captive here in the flat with the cat, I can get on with writing that chapter of my book - which I have to put in tomorrow night for critique and feedback.

Oh what fun.

Today's song:

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