Monday, April 13, 2020

Coles Radio

I'm spending an hour a day out of the flat. Mostly, this is for me walking to exercise, taking exercise, or going to get supplies at the local supermarket. Other than a trip across the Westgate to drop off supplies to Blarney, the furthest I've been fom he flat is the back of the Botanic Gardens and the Abbotsford Convent - both being on my well worn excercise walking paths.

Trips to the supermarket have become a bit fraught. Too many people, stock availability, just the general feeling that doing your weekly shop could be really dangerous. I mean, they have a teenager wiping down the baskets and trolleys. When do we start trusting teenagers to do a good job (actually I am very thankful for this, but still, the though crosses my mind. When do you expect a teenager to do well at such an important task)

One of the best bits of going to my local Coles has to be Coles Radio. As somebody who sings for most of the day whether I want to or no, having a radio station which plays songs which you not only know, but love, is fantastic.

I don't know who does the programming for Coles Radio, but its great. A mix of 80s and 90s classics with a few newer tunes thrown in. I regularly get suckered in and find myself singing as I go pick up the milk, veggies and what ever else I need for the following days. More often than not, I'll see somebody else born around the same era singing along quietly too.

As much as I dislike the whole Supermarket monopolies, I really do like their radio station. If anything, because they play music which sometimes gets lost on GOLD FM.

And you can stream it to your phone - even better.

Today's song was playing as I was walking down the cat food aisle. I've not hear it in years but I recognised it from the first chords. Coles plays lots of songs like this.

It's the little things which make me smile.

Today's Song:

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