Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Gratitude Questions

The day has only just begun. I'm about to go get a walk in before a heavy day of writing takes place. The joy of these semi-lockdown conditions - you really do appreciate the little things.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Name a highlight of your day

I've only been up properly for about half an hour. So far the highlight of my day has been having a cuddle with Lucifer and the two hot cross buns I have just eaten for breakfast. Now that it's Palm Sunday, I can start having hot cross buns more regularly. I hope Baker's Delight brings back the Mocha ones - they are like crack.

2. What made you smile today?

Lucifer, my second-hnd cat, trying to get under the covers with me this morning was very cute. After two weeks, we're ticking on quite nicely. He's staying.

3. What made you laugh today?

I've only been up an hour, I haven't had a laugh yet.

4. Recall a time when you needed encouragement.

When I started running - oh boy did I need encouragement. Thankfully my friend Reindert helped me to break through the psychological barriers that come with running. Once you break the twenty minute barrier, you're on your way. Running, as I have found, is all in the mind.

5. What is a luxury you are thankful for

Lots of them. Great moisturiser. Hot cross buns. NARS lipstick. Theatre subscriptions. The second hand panther.

6. Favorite childhood memory

I don't have many of these, but I did like hanging out with the calves after we had fed them as kids. Poddy calves are very cuddly.

7. Favorite song–and why?

Reckless by Australian Crawl. It's been my favourite song for 35 years. All the big events in my life have been peppered with this song. It's very Australian and just lovely.

8. Where is your favorite place?  Why?

Do I have to pick just one? Okay, that would be the tomb of Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. It's a very spiritual place in the centre of a very busy city. It is just wonderful.

9. What is your favorite scent

This is a bit strange, but it's the smell of dogs's paws early in the morning. It's an earthy, musky smell - and I find it very comforting.

10. What is your favorite topic to talk about?

Books and writing. Followed by film. Followed by politics. Next.

11. What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time?

Reading. I get lost in books far too easily.

12. If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say?

Listen to nature and be kind to each other. It's as simple as that. We have to start being really good to the earth and really good to each other.

13. Whose life do you envy the most, and why?

I don't really envy anybody's life at the moment. We're all in the same boat at the moment.

14. What would you different with your education if you got a chance to start over?

There are a couple of things. Given my time over, I'd repeat Year 12 at a better school and maybe hopt to get into Law. I'd also have done my Masters earlier (but then I wouldn't have made the great mates I've made - or just made different great mates.)

15. What would you do with your life if you had no fear?

I'd probably be married if I had no fear. Being somewhat scared of committment I wonder what life would be like if this was not the case. Generally I'm known as being pretty fearless.

Today's song:


  1. I've heard other people who love the smell of a dog's paw. I prefer puppy breath.

  2. Hi Pand,

    I totally agree with #12. It's a no-brainer really.




  3. The tomb of Edward the Confessor (did I get that right?) sounds lovely. I've not heard of it, but enjoy places like that.
    I'm glad you and the second hand panther are getting along so well. Pets add so much to our lives. :)
    Books. Yes!
    Have a lovely week ahead!

  4. Dog paws, I love it. For some bizarre reason, my dog's paws smell like Fritos. Yep, they smell like corn chips. I do not get it, lol.

  5. I am so glad Lucifer is doing so well. You two have a great time today. I am sure he will make you laugh. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!!

  6. Thank you for introducing me to Reckless--it's a great track!
