Friday, April 3, 2020

The New Weekend

I used to really look forward to the weekend. I know I will look forward to the weekends again. But for the moment, the weekend means more time at home, in the flat, with Lucifer. This is good. But there are some things which will just be missed while we self-isolate, remain at a distance, and generally stay on our own for the next few months. There is no gym. There are no cinemas and theatres. There's no getting together with friend for the foreseeable future. (I'm sick of writing those words - it sounds like such a long time.) 

So I need a plan for the weekend. What needs t get done by 9 am Monday morning when I fish out my work computer and start up the daily grind from my desk where  write from now.

So I need a plan. A lsit of what needs to get done. If I don't have a plan I'll lie on the bed with the cat and read all weekend, sipping on a necessary Negroni (Who knew I would finally own a bottle of Vermouth and a bottle of Campari to go with the gin. I thought these were something only my parents had in their collection of ancient grog). 

So here's my list.

1) A substantial amount of novel writing

Class is back on, even if I've lost a bit of impetus, bit it's time to get back to it. I've locked down a couple of hours of writing.

2) Attack the ironing pile

It's not too big - just needs to be done. 

3) The floors

As I now have a black furry house demon (Lucifer the cat) the hoovering and the mopping have to be done more often. Furry house demon sheds black hair everyhere. Lucky he's cute. 

4) Finish my book

I'm over 300 pages into American Dirt by Jeanine Cummings. It's a controversial book. I can see why - but it's a good yarn. I need to get my copy of Bruny by Heather Rose off of Blarney - but that may be next weekend as circumstances are a bit difficult at the moment. 

5) Complete April's Furious Fiction

500 words, 55 hour and a couple of parameters to write in the story. This month's criteria:
  • Your story must begin on the side of a road.
  • Your story must include the words APRON, PIGMENT, RIBBON, ICON, LEMON (plurals are okay).
  • Your story must include a splash.

I can work with that.

6) Go for some walks

Jay and I are planning on going on a couple of walks. You can walk with one other as long as you kep our distance. It's going to be a wet weekend  - few will be out with any luck.  

7) Find the other half of the couch. 

It's buried under crap - time for that to change.

There we are, I think I have a plan. Will check in on Monday to see how I go.

There's half a chance I'll ahve watched a lot of movies and talked to the cat more than I should have. 

The Negroni has been drained. It's bed time. I have a plan.

Today's Song: 

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