Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Week's 30 Word Stories

Knowing I have a meeting in half an hour which will probably go on into the evening, and I've been up since the early hours because one small panther decided that he wanted his breakfast at 4.30 in the morning (but he was nice about asking, curling up on my shoulder, purring and patting my face with his paw). And I have done both a lap of the Botanic Gardens and a personal training sesssion. And I tried to register the cat with the council, but the council was closed, so I have to register him online. And I had do some work.

So it's an easy blog tonight.

I'm making sure I get my 30 word stories in to the Writer's Victoria April Flash Fiction Competition. One word a day, 30 word stories. Must be in by 9 PM to be judged.

Here's this week's tweety stories:

Hope to write something a bit more substantial tomorrow night. In the mean time, I'll get a gin and tonic and get on my call.

Today's Song:

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