Saturday, May 16, 2020

All About Bruce

I'm about to start procrastocleaning as I have a hard deadline of tomorrow night. The joys of this course is having to present your work to your tutor every so often - and I've got a session on Wednesday night, God help me.

So I'm getting a small blog post out of the way now.

And I'm going to write about Bruce.

Bruce is an old mate who lives across the road. We bumped into each other tomight as I walked back from the supermarket. Already feeling good from the light traffic, clear air and finding something I needed at half price at Chemist Warehouse, I made my way down the back street home.

Remember, I've lived here for a very long time. I know a few people in the street to say hello to. Bruce has been a bit of a stalwart for years, mind you, I haven't seen him for a while.

As neared home, Bruce appeared.

"Bruce! Hello, Bruce!' I called out to him.

Bruce saw me and came straight up to me.

I looked around for Bruce's Dad.

Oh, Bruce is a black cat. I should tell you that.

I bent down and gave his silky black head apat. He reminds me of Lucifer. Except Bruce has to be at least ten years old now.

"How are you going, boy?"

He looked up at me, his golden eyes glowing under the street lights. He received my pats with joy. For a black cat, he's very friendly.

"Where's your Dad?" I asked him. Of course, he didn't answer, but demanded more attention.

Bruce and his Dad live on the corner. I know his Dad to say hello to as well. The last time I saw him I asked him about Bruce's wellbeing. I used to see him all the time. Not so much any more.

Bruce's Dad was nowhere to be seen.

"You gonna go home, Bruce?" I asked him as I slathered more love on his head. I really done remind me of Lucifer. He wasn't moving.

I looked back down at the cat. What was once a lithe, Slinky Malinki of a black cat. Now, he's much more of a Lucifer from The Aristocats.

Having things to get into the fridge, I have him one last pat goodbye.

"Mate, you've really been in a good paddock, haven't you." He snuggled back into my legs as a farewell.

He's a friendly, chonky boy is our Bruce.

And I made my way home, just happy. Happy about the clear air. Happy about the lessened traffic noise. Happy that I'd walked six kilometres on a sunny day. Happy that there's a friendly black cat in the street who stops me for a pat.

It's the simple things that make life good at the moment.

Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 23: A song that you think everybody should listen to

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