Friday, May 22, 2020

Things to do on Friday Night.

Things I want to do on Friday night:

  • Find myself a large gin and tonic
  • Watch a really good movie on one of the streaming services
  • If things were different I might be packing a bag to go to Sydney in the morning
  • Or going out with friends
  • Or seeing a movie
  • Or going to a play
Unfortunately, things aren't different.

Things I should be doing Friday night:
  • Mopping the floors
  • Hoovering the carpets
  • Scrubbing down the bathroom
  • Doing the ironing
  • Penning some of my novel
  • Tidying up
But I try not to do housework on Friday night. Jonella is popping round Sunday afternoon. I'll clean after school tomorrow. 

What am I doing Friday night:
  • I'm getting all my feedback ready for tomorrow's school
  • I'm drinking Turkish Apple Tea
  • Every hour or so, I pop in on the cat and wake him up - because I can
  • And it's all just a little bit dull.
Still, it beats doing the floors - and the dishes are done. 

Back to crits. We have make up school tomorrow - 9-12 on Zoom.

After a full day of meetings sitting at this computer, I'm a bit over it all - but at least school is fun.


Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 29: A song you remember from your childhood

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