Thursday, May 14, 2020


The email came through late last night.

Just a reply to an inquiry to my allied health practice about some herbs I was after. The thing about lock down is you can't get hold of some things because the business is closed. In my case, the naturopathic supplement I take to boost my immune system between April and October is only available from my my naturopath - who's also my masseuse. I've been going to this practice for well over ten years. Every now and then I lend my hand down there as a reflexologist, doing the feet of the practitioners. They're friends as much as therapists.

The reply was simple. "Supplements in on Friday. Will give you a call when I get them. Give me a shout when you want a bit of human contact (i.e. a massage)".

Human contact has come to be something of an anomaly. You see people hugging in the street and want to yell., "Oi, social distancing!" at them. You have envy the people walking down the street holding hands - well I do. I live with a cat - you can't hold his hand walking down the street. Then there's the groups of teenagers who seem to think that a ruler distance is 1.5 centimetres. You can't stop those younger people touching.

I've been good over the last few months. I've stopped touching my friends. I'm not the world's biggest hugger, but I do tend to hug friends on meeting and parting. And since I can't get to Sydney, and I live alone, I've had virtually no human contact in this time. I think the last time I was touched was he last remedial massage I received the day before the stage three lockdown was thrust upon us.

Well, stage three lockdown is over. I still can't get to Sydney. Non-essential interstate travel is still a while away, but my allied health practitioners are back in business in a limited way.

And I have a remedial massage booked for tomorrow afternoon. Before the lockdown I was getting a massage once a month. It's good for the soul. Good for the body, especially with the exercise I do.

And I'm excited. It's human touch. It's a very rare commodity at the moment.

And I can't wait.

I might get a sneaky hug too (well, he'll be touching my near naked body for an hour - what harm will the normal hug goodbye do?)

Today's song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)

Day 21:  A song with a person's name in the title

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