Saturday, June 6, 2020

A Nearly Ordinary Saturday

Saturday felt nearly normal. Nearly normal as in before the lock down. Before going for a walk and going to the supermarket was the highlight of the day. A day where I got out of the flat for more than an hour.

This morning I put on makeup, nicer clothes and leather shoes. This felt foreign, but great at the same time. Unlike last Monday where I lined my eyes and brushed on mascara, today I put on my gentle war paint. Soft foundation, a bit of blush, eye shadow, liner, mascara and lipstick. In the scheme of things, not that much makeup, but enough to make a difference on my school zoom class. Makeup really does perk you up under the scrutiny of the camera. 

I also sprayed on some perfume. Not the cheap stuff I've been wearing during the week to get rid of - the good stuff. The Juliette has Gun Lady Vengance scent which is wildly decadent, bloody expensive - but it is a joy to smell that good. 

I signed out of school 15 minutes early and drove down to my hairdresser, now located in Cheltenham - a 45 minute drive away. Yes, I drive 45 minutes to get my hair attended to every six weeks. I've followed her from salon to salon for nearly 20 years - I'm not going to swap now. She's the only one I trust with my locks. Maybe it's a Leo thing. I love her dearly, and if she ever moves to Germany again, things will be said.

The simple action of having your roots done is a joy in itself. Having your hair washed by another, even more so. 

After the hair appointment, it was round to see some friends who live in the district. First tor a cup of tea with one set of friends, then another cup of tea with another set of friends. Social distancing was maintained.

It was just a pleasure to be in the company of people once again - people who I haven't seen in the flesh for weeks and months. The simple joy of face to face conversations and laughter. 

I arrived home six hours later, just happy. There was something so wonderful about the ordinaryness of going out and about on the weekend for the first time in months.

It's baby steps, but gee it was good.

Today's song:

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