Friday, June 19, 2020

A Trip on a Tram

Today I pulled on my big girl pants and hopped on a tram to go into town. I didn't feel like taking the car in and running the gauntlet of finding a street park paying stupid money to park the car for 20 minutes. And looking at it, being on the tram, in the middle of the day, social distancing is easy, the air is flowing and you can keep touch points to a minimum.

Unfortunately, the world goes on, cheques need to be banked, mail needs to be collected and other assorted and you can't do those things from the computer in your front room.

It was also an incredibly lovely winter's day. 17 degrees, sunshine and a light breeze. It's all going to shite tomorrow, so it was too good an opportunity to waste.

Knowing the trams are pretty empty during the day, I waited until my lunchtime meeting was over then gathered my bits and pieces. Hand sanitiser, check. Cheque to bank, check. Handbag, check.

I applied eyeliner and mascara - I think I've done this twice in the time I've been off. It feels strange. I used to not leave the house without it for thirty years. Now it feels foreign.

The myki was dug out from the bottom of my handbag - other things which have barely been touched in the last three months. I threw a book into the handbag, grabbed my phone and keys and left.

It was strange being back on a tram.

It was stranger being back in town, walking around. There are more people around now. There are more shops open. The first stop was the Bendigo Bank on Collins Street to bank the cheque. They were nice to deal with (and the branch is very cool, stuck in a wing of one of the arcades. That was over in two minutes.

A walk through the streets, through the Block and Royal Arcades, over to Myer to pick up something I can only get there. Myer has changed. There are few people there. There are in lanes and out lanes. My eyebrow girl is back from where ever she went when the store was closed - I'll make an appointment to see her soon - I'm starting to look like John Howard again.

Then to the post box on Bourke Street, shouting a hello to Tom, who's been behind the counter since God was a boy. Got the mail.

Bought some face masks at the chemist on the way back to the tram. I think they might get some use in the future,

Ordered some lunch from the local Vietnamese on Uber Eats to collect on the way home (It was a prawn dumpling kind of day)

Collected said prawn dumplings once I hopped off the tram.

And I went home.

And it was all enough of a novelty to write about. It was nice to feel nearly normal once again.

Today's song:

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