Monday, June 1, 2020

Today I put on makeup

Today I put on makeup. Just a bit of eyeliner and mascara. But I put on makeup.

I can't remember the last time I did this.

Honestly, it felt a bit strange.

It was only done because I had to go out for a meeting at the bank on a mason's mission. Thought it best to put a face on, just in case I got hassle at the bank, this would be a mask. A bit of war paint for what may be an impossible mission. I was also meeting a lodge mate who'd just gorgeous inside and out. Makeup gave the confidence a bit of a boost.

Thankfully the banking stuff which took place at the Clifton Hill branch of Bendigo Bank was probably the easiest time I've had in a branch when it comes to Mason's stuff in the history of Christendom. Most dealings for anything to do with the masons, to date, has been excrutiating. This was a pleasant surprise.

But putting on the makeup was strange.

For over 35 years I've barely left the house without eyeliner and mascara at a minimum. Normally there's a bit of red lipstick plastered on my lips. I didn't bother with that today. Just the eyes. Just because.

There's a lot to be said for this working from home and this pandemic lockdown. One of those things is not feeling the need to put on makeup. I don't feel the need to put it on when I go to the supermarket. I've never liked wearing it to the gym. I feel like there is no reason to wear it at the moment - and that's great.

I think about the last 30 odd years. I've barely left the house without drawing lines on my eyelids and plumping up my eyelashes.  I've always had eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick in whatever handbag/backpack I've carried. For three months I've barely touched the makeup sitting on my bathroom shelf. The skincare routine remains the same, but I've not worn any makeup.

I've not work leather shoes for three months either. As it's now winter, the Birkenstocks have been replaced with Converse sneakers and ugg boots.

And I like it.

Just as I like working in a pair of trackie dacks, a t-shirt and ugg boots. Just as I really don't give a fig what I wear down the supermarket. Just as I'm happy running around in activewear when I'm walking / gyming. My hair is washed regularly, brushed a few times a day, but not for the video camera on my machine - that rarely gets turned on. It's more for practical reasons. My hair gets knotty if its not brushed a few times a day.

I'm going into miss this life when it's over. I like not having to impress anybody. I like not spending five minutes preparing my face for the world. I like not wearing office garb.

Maybe there are some good things to come out of this 'new' life.

Maybe I'm just born to be a slacker.

Today's song:

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