Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Today's Quibble - Performance Reviews

It appears that I'm having a bit of a moaning week this week. I've complained about Tony Abbott receiving a Queen's Birthday gong. I had a big moan about receiving a parking ticket yesterday.

Today, I'm going to have a moan about Performance Reviews.

I hate them.

I think they're pointless.

They're a big wank fest.

They are there for the brown-nosers to make their noses even browner.

And really, if your boss is any good, they should be giving you support and feedback constantly, rather than once or twice a year.

They're a waste of bloody time.

And they are a big reason I was a contractor for so long. Now I'm on a fixed term contract. I'm treated like a full time employee. As much as I'm grateful for having a job at the moment, I really hate the three monthly rigmarole of doing these performance review things.

Making matters worse, my manager is in Sydney, so she doesn't see me day to day. (Though having worked from home for the last three months , nobody has seen me from work.

I just think these things are a bloody waste of time.

I'll continue to be in my hump and listen to some quality 80s music instead.

Today's Song:

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