Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June Check In - July Goals

It's goal day again. 

I like doing the monthly goals - keeps me on track. 

Anyway, here's how I did in June. 

Read four books. 

Nearly did this. I finished the following:

  • Craig Silvey's Honeybee
  • Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day
  • Clare Bowditch's Your Own Kind of Girl
I'm about halfway through the audio book of The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel - at 37 hours of audiobook, this is good progress. I'm also about halfway through Less by Andrew Sean Greer. 

Exercise an hour a day

The lockdown put a bit of a scupper on this, but I've managed this for about 20 out of the 30 days. 

Eliminate as much sugar from my diet

I've been trying and been quite successful. I've been a lot better than last month. 

Have the Masons books 90% done by the end of the month.

They're on the way. Not 90% done, but not far off. 

Have two vegetarian days a week. 

This didn't get done, but I do want to do this - I've been trying to get more vegetables into my life. 

Limit discretionary spending.

I've done well with this too. Managed to get the finances back on track. 

And my goals for July:

Read four books. 

This is always a doable goal. I like keeping my reading up. 

Have the masons' books to the Auditor by the end of the month.

Last year they weren't finished until November - that can't happen again. 

Have somebody over for dinner or something

I cannot remember the last time somebody set foot in the flat that was not me or the cat. This would give me a chance to tidy the place up. We will see about this. 

Enter the Richell Prize and the Varuna Fellowship competitions

The Richell Prize closes next Friday, the Varuna Fellowship at the end of the month. There's a bit of work to do on this - move forward the novel. 

Use the gym three times a week

Now that I see Cleo at another gym twice a week, it's time to make sure I get value for money out of my Fitness First. It's a good goal. 

Limit discretionary spending

Again, another big bill month coming with my car registration fees. Besides, where do we get to go when we are restricted in our movements?

Today's song: 

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