Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Notes from the Day

 I'm counting my blessings today. 

First up, from Friday, the gym is open again and we don't have to wear masks outside. These are big yeses from me. 

Mind you, I don't think there's a chance in hell that the theatre ticket I have for next Thursday will be used - which is a  bummer. Theatres can only have 75 people in them - there's no point opening a 700 seat theatre for that. Which is a pity as I was looking forward to seeing that play. 

I met a friend for coffee this morning. Started work at 8 am, went down the road for a coffee, in a coffee shop, at 8.45, back home by 9.30. Brilliant. Just being able to sit down in a coffee shop with a friend is wonderful. 

Work saw me presenting an aspect of my job to the wider project team. I didn't think it went that well, but people were kind. The head honcho liked that I got a Star Trek reference in there ("We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

) So the morning was spent preparing the slides of the presentation. 

The cat behaved himself for the most part today. As I've been working from home exclusively for the last few weeks, we're back into our routine. He normally torments me from 8.30 am to about 10 am, sitting on the keyboard, walking in front of the screen, sitting in the windowsill talking the the birds and making a general nuisance of himself - then he goes onto 'HIS' bed and sleeps for most of the day. He starts demanding dinner at around 4 pm. He gets fed at six. 

The only thing missing from the day is exercise. Other than walking  to the coffee shop and going up and down the stairs a few times that was the extent of it all. Tomorrow will be better. 

And that was the day. It wasn't a special day. It just was. 

Now, I'll have a glass of Baileys and watch some bad television - because what else is there to do?

Today's song:

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