Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Gym

We're out of lockdown, but we're not restriction free. That's the deal. It was great to go for a walk outside and not wear a mask. We can visit people in their homes - as long as it's only two of you. Wedding and funeral guest numbers are still capped, but it's not at the minimum. Offices are back to 50% capacity, but you have to wear a mask indoors, so it's easier and more comfortable to work from home. 

And gyms are back. Thank goodness. 

I went in today to see what the deal was. I'm also looking to see what the deal was. After the last lockdowns the gym got all draconian. We had to book in. You could only go at certain times when the place was staffed (it's a 24 hour gym normally). Classes were  set at 45 miuntes. They had people cleaning the equipment all over the place. Then the restrictions went away, you could go when you wanted and the classes became uncapped. 

This time round, instead of the rigmarole of having to book, they have a rubber band system. They are trying to make them sound posh by calling them tokens, but really, they're purple rubber bands. You come in. You tap in. They're insistant that you also scan in on the State run QR code system and you take a 'token'. They're allowing 50 people in at any time. 

As for the classes, they're capped at 20 people, and these people are part of the 50 allowed in the gym. 

So tomorrow morning's going to be interesting. 

And I'm trying to organise my day - and week. 

With the cap, it means getting to the gym early so I can snag a place in the 9.15 Pump class. 

I also need to go to Camberwell to get some moisturiser as I'm nearly out and I can't get it anywhere else. 

There's also the normal trip out to see Blarney and Barney. 

Before a week of after work things - training sessions, a massage (much needed), a mason's rehearsal (allegedly), a play (thank goodness, the MTC are operational, but I don't know how - they play is at the Fairfax)

But it is nice to be back in the gym. I feel like I have a bit of control back in my life. 

Today's song:

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