Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Sunday Questions

Another Sunday, another set of questions, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Describe your phone lock screen

Probably easier to show you. My cat is quite enigmatic. 

2. How often do you journal?

If you call this blog a journal, then I journal daily. 

3. What’s your favorite thing to teach others?

 I teach a few things. I'm good at teaching kids to bake - that's great fun. I'm also good at helping people improve their writing and strangely I'm good at teaching people how to run. It's the little things. 

4. How do you like to spend Sundays?

Normally Sunday has me at the gym, but the gyms are closed for another week or so. So today it's go for a walk, do some writing. Normally I go to Blarney and Barney's place in the afternoon, but again, bloody restrictions have put a stop to that. Joys of coming out of Stage Four lockdown. Sometimes I'll catch a movie (doing that later - something we can do) sometimes I go see other friends. 

5. What would you describe as your kryptonite?

 Oh, that would be one particular person - but we don't talk about him here. 

6. A TV show or movie you thought was really bad

 Oh, there a lot of terrible films out there. One that I really didn't like was Sin City. I walked out of that. Sia's Music wasn't that great either - or more to the point it was problematic. I try to see quality films and  prefer to look for the good in films. 

7. Do you know your mail carrier?

Do I know the postie? Not the one at home as very little is mailed to me at my residential addre. Besides - Australia Post is very, very average indeed these days. But I do know the crew at the post office where my mailbox resides in the city. I make sure I say hello to them when I go in once a week. 

8. Which regional foods are your favorite?

Hailing from Adelaide, I have lots of regional favourites that you either can't get here, or aren't the same here in Victoria. These include: 

  • Pasties
  • Fruchocs
  • Beinenstich
  • Streudel buns

Yes, most of these foods come out of bakeries, but South Australia has the best bakery culture in Australia. 

9. What was your life like 20 years ago?

 20 yeas ago I was living in East Melbourne in a one bedroom flat, working for a merchant bank and I was miserable. I'm glad things have changed. 

10. Crafting hobbies that you’d like to learn or improve

I would love to learn how to crochet from a pattern. I only know how do make blanket squares. I knit really well from a pattern, so it shouldn't be hard to learn. I'd also love to be able to make bread that doesn't turn out like breeze blocks. 

11. What is your favorite type of YouTube videos?

Other than Brad Mondo, who is good fun, I normally go for music clips. 

12. Describe your surroundings

I'm currently sitting at home in my lounge room. It's messy. I'm next to the window which looks out over a semi-industrialised part of my suburb. The television is on and a movie is running. The cat is asleep on the bed

13. You're making a Time Capsule to be opened in 50 years.  What 3 things would you put in it?

  • My grandmother's collander - it's been going for nearly a century, may we well keep it going.
  • The books that I've written (give it a year or so)
  • A potted history of Myponga

14. Something you learned recently that resonated with you

I think I've finally learned that if I don't want to do something, I really don't have to give a reason to day why I don't want to do it. There's no need to justify myself. 

15. Songs that get stuck in your head often…  

I'm a walking, talking ear worm, and all sorts of songs get stuck in my head, from old sixties songs to eighties tracks to modern things. 

Lately I've had this in my head: 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Lucifer looks just like Ziggy - he has amazing eyes too.

    I quite liked Sin City - and the second one too.

    I LOVE Weapon of Choice and the video. Who knew Christopher Walken could dance?

    I also Like that David Gray song too - a nice mellow little tune for relaxing to.




  2. TMBG--I haven't heard them in YEARS!!! What fun!

  3. Your cat is adorable! And the vids take me back!
