Saturday, June 5, 2021

Today's Walk

Lockdown: Day Nine

Mood: Middling

Jay and I went for a walk along the river today. We timed it well as the morning was wonderful, but the afternoon revolting - cold and windy. It was a good morning to walk along the towpath, avoiding cyclists, joggers and other walkers - most wearing masks, some not. 

The directive to wear masks while outside is annoying, but understandable. When walking, they do get a bit constrictive and the odd stop was needed to get our breath back. To be honest, I'm just happy to go for a walk and get out of the flat for a bit - bugger the mask. 

We did our normal route - round the river to Bridge Road, then back through the side streets to Victoria Gardens, where Jay stopped to pick up a few groceries and me, a coffee.

And we run into Yanni from the gym. 

Yanni is wonderful - he sets up our pump gear most Sunday mornings. But we had a chat about some stuff while waiting for Jay to come out of the greengrocers. 

"Have you had your COVID vaccination yet?" he asked. 

"The first one, yes." I answered. 

"I think I'll wait," he said.

"What the fuck to you want to do that for?"

"Oh, you know.." I'm not sure he was expecting my vehmence.

"No, I don't know. How old are you? 53? 54?"


"Are you waiting to get the Pfizer shot?" I asked.

"Well you know, it's supposed to be better."

"Bullshit. Besides, they're not goiog to give it to you. You're over 50. It's the Astra Zeneca or nothing, unless you have some fairly specific medical conditions, that's it. There's a lot of it around. The sooner you get it, the sooner you build up some immunity. "

"And what did you have?" he asked. 

"The Astra Zenaca. Because I'm over 50, have no specific medical conditions and I got it as soon as I could. You might feel crappy the day after - I did, but it's nothing a day on the couch with some panadol won't fix. "

"But why did you get it so soon?"

"Why? That's a stupid question. Well, other than I want to travel in the future, and I take public transport, and I work in an office, this is a public health priority. I don't want to be fucking locked down again. Sooner this is done, the better. Besides, waiting to get this done is dumb. Sooner it's done, sooner this goes away. I see vaccination as a community service activy. We don't have polio, smallpox and the like because of vaccinations. This should join them. "

"But the Pfizer is better..."

"Bullshit - all the vaccinations will stop you dying and getting really sick from this horrible disease. It's like a flu jab - won't stop you getting the flu - will stop you getting really sick and dying drowning in your own chest fluids. It will also cut down the chance of passing this on. "

"Oh, yeah, you're probably right."

"Don't tell Jay that. I'm not right very often. But we agree on this."

"Well, I'm getting some blood tests back on Monday - I'll talk to my doctor."

"Good man, but he'll probably tell you to get your Astra Zeneca shot as soon as possible."

"Hmm. I'll ask Jay - see what she says." 

Yanni is a glutton for punishment. Jay is G.P. Jay is also a Scorpio who doesn't suffer fools.  Jay has had this conversation 20 times. It's all Jay whines about while we're  training. I think most doctors are having this talk multiple times on most days. 

Jay came out of the supermarket. 

"Hey, Jay. Should I get the Astra Zeneca shot?"

"How old are you?" she asked. I could see a vein in her temple throbbing. 


Jay exploded. "Should you get your COVID vaccination? Of course, you idiot. Just do it. You're not going to die. You might feel a bit crap the next day. Nothing that panadol and ibuprufen won't fix. The sooner you get it, the better."

"That's what Pand said."

"Pand is not an idiot."

We walked home, shaking our heads. Jay at Yanni's attitude. Me at the thought of having to have that same conversation hundreds of times a week. I could never be a G.P. I can't deal with the general public. 

Still, it was a nice walk.

I'll check in on Yanni next week. 

And if you can, get vaccinated. It's not about you. This might be your once community service activity for the year. 

This is not just about you. 

Today's song: 

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