Wednesday, July 14, 2021

It's a numbers game

 Officially, I was over COVID this time last year - but it drags on. 

And on. 

And on. 

So I'm sitting here in my lunchtime writing this, looking at the number, half-petrified that the long awaited writer's retreat, which is on next weekend, will be called off or postponed again. 

97 new cases in Sydney today. Okay, yes, fine, their on their lockdown-lite what do they expect? 

But there are eight new cases in Melbourne. Brought here by removalists from Sydney, who allegedly haven't been that forthcoming about their movements. 


For my sanity's sake, I only look at the papers at 9 am to get the Victorian numbers and 11 am for the waffle which is the NSW COVID numbers. Gladbags, (as I call Gladys Berejiklian) is a class act, obfuscating and sidestepping her duties. I've got a bit more time for Kerry Chant, who seems over the whole thing. Give me Dan, Brett and Jeroen any day. I'm trying to not engage with the politics. It's all too grim. Some information filters through via, The Guardian and The Shot. I can't do the Herald Sun or the Australian. Grim, I tell you. Grim. 

Thing is, we've just come out of six weeks of lockdown - only only three of them were the hardcore, wear your masks in the streets type lock down, but I've just got back to the office after six weeks at home, talking to the cat, making my own coffee and loving my sandwich press just a bit too much. 

I don't want to be commissioned to stay at home again. 

I'm glad I'm half-vaccinated. August 3 is the date for my second shot. It can't come 

I like being in the office. 

I like having conversations face to face with people which are more than uttering comments like, "Get off the keyboard", and "Big yawn" and, "It's not your dinner time - you get fed at 6 pm". 

I like being on the train - especially when people do wear their masks. 

I like being around people while I'm in the office. 

And you get bloody people bringing this bloody disease into a community which has just about got rid of it. 

Pissed off is an understatement. 

If it postpones my writer's retreat scheduled at the end of next week there will be hell to pay. 

Fingers crossed the 10000 people at the MCG on 10 July are not infected. 

Fingers crossed this is over soon. 

The 8.28 from North Richmond

Today's song: 

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