Friday, July 16, 2021

My Day

Snap Lockdown: Day One (Hopefully of five days) 

Mood: Meh

7.05 am: Wake. The cat is playing soccer in the living room. I forgot to set the alarm. 

8.05 am: Finally get out of bed after a number of cat related stompings (He's very good at stomping)

8.30 am: Shower. Dress. Designated trackie dack day. Ugg boots on. Hair wet. Skin moisturised. 

8.45 am: Log onto work computer. Make a coffee. 

8.50 am: Respond to questions from the boss. 

9.15 am: Crank up the music before the meeting starts at 9.30. I give you the B'52s. Private Idaho. 

9.16 am.: Start boring admin crap. Do timesheet or our finance girl in Perth will get VERY grumpy. 

9.38 am: The mandatory five minute whinge in the meeting is over. 

10.20 am: Run downstairs to get a parcel off the postie. 

10.41 am: Have a pitch battle with Lucifer over treats. 

10.45 am: Try to get some work done. 

11.41 am:  Hang out the washing in the spare room. 

11.50 am: Write email to the compliance people. 

12.30 pm: Have a chat with my one up about work stuff. Have been challenged to go for a walk during the team meeting, incorporating a visit to Dan Murphy's. I feel a gin run coming on. 

12.45 pm: Charge up the phone for pending walk to Dan Murphy's during team meeting. 

1.28 pm: Leave the flat - need to be out the gate by 1.30 pm as there is a dead zone there. 

1.30 pm: Patch into team meeting. Turn on camera and take the team on a walk around Richmond. 

1.45 pm: Give my team update while standing outside of Dan Murphy's. 

1.55 pm: Buy a bottle of Poor Tom's gin and a bottle of Little Creatures beer. Have the guy at the check out wave at the team. 

2.23 pm: Team meeting ends. The walk continues along the Yarra. 

2.45 pm: Arrive home.

2.55 pm: Do some work 

3.20 pm: Get back to the person I was chatting with on the walk home who needed some stuff from me. 

3.40 pm: Write the email I've been trying to write for most of the day. 

3.55 pm: Make myself a drink for team drinks at 4 pm - today's tipple - Original Elderflower and Lemon Myrtle gin with a dash of soda. 

4.00 pm: Team drinks start. 

5.15 pm: Team drinks end. 

5.20 pm: Close down the work laptop. 

5.30 pm: Open personal laptop. 

5.45 pm: Make chicken and mushroom risotto. 

7 pm: Start work on finalising my Richell prize entry.

God my life is boring. 

Today's song: 

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