Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Long Walk

 Snap Lockdown: Day 10

Mood: Good

My fitbit has 19000 steps on it from today's activities. 

And the breakout was necessary and needed. 

After meditation this morning I met up with Kit at the Exhibition Gardens. Kit lives in North Melbourne, me in Richmond. This was a good middle point. Just seeing somebody I haven't seen in over a year for a coffee and a walk was the best tonic for the last week or so. She's in the same boat - working from home, seeing very few people and itching to get out of the house. 

Having a lot to catch up on, we embarked on a long walk. First to the coffee cart at the Exhibition Building to get some sustaining life force (if an almond decaf latte can be described as that). A lap of the Exhibition Gardens came next. Kit is as bad as me when it comes to talking to dogs. 

I had another thing I really wanted to do - collect the mail. This meant a walk into the middle of town. We met up with this beauty and her parents on the way down Little Lonsdale Street. 

Of course we ran into those ridiculous protesters and their stupid, selfish protest not once, but twice. The first time was on Lonsdale Street as they were coming up Exhibition Street. Daft, barefaced wankers. If they're the reason we don't come out of lockdown on Tuesday I'll be furious. (And I'm probably like the rest of Australia, livid with that cretin in Sydney who punched a police horse. He should be tied up in Martin Place and flogged in my views. We ran into them again on Elizabeth Street. Thankfully they'd nearly passed as we crossed on the way to the post office to get my mail. Making things worse, they were playing The Living End's Prisoner of Society over a loudspeaker. Irony, much. (see song of the day and have a read of the lyrics - I sing this to babies in my care). 

Next stop, the Victoria Markets. Kit met up with her boyfriend, me, I made my way into the cheese hall to pick up some supplies.

Then the walk back to the Exhibition Building to get my second COVID shot. It was due today, and though I'd booked a second shot at the doctors for the week after next, I was there at the hub, they can't give away the Astra Zeneca vaccine and there was no queue. After checking in, and lining up, I got the shot. A 15 minute sit down in the allotted area while the 5G files downloaded and I was free to go. 

I made my way back home, collecting some supplies for Blarney and Barney on the way, who have another couple of days of isolation left.  

After an hour or so at home, I drove out there to drop off the supplies. Just driving further than the local supermarket was a joy. The items were handed over on the front porch, mask firmly in place, not daring to step into pestilence central - though they are all fine and have tested negative until now. Care giving is a legitimate reason to be out of the house. 

Then home via the servo to fill up the car with petrol and a stop to get some takeaway.

19000 steps. A bit more than the allotted time out of the house, but as a middle aged woman in a mask, I'm invisible, and I'm not making trouble. 

But it felt bloody wonderful. 

Today's Song: 

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