Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Please don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-mask. Not at all.

But I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for them to remove the requirement when we're in the office. 

Masks on public transport? Absolultely. I hope we have to always wear them while we're on the trains, trams and buses. For one, they prevent you smelling the armpits of people you're sardined in with. They also might prevent some of the person-to-person disease transfer which occurs. I can't be the only one who's not been sick since not taking regular public transport.

And I good with masks at supermarkets and where you can't adequately socially distance. 

Of course, there's the joys of the anonmnity mask provide. You can silently tell people to fuck off from behind a mask. But dogs don't respond to you in the same way when you wear one. Dogs like to see all of your face. Some people like that too. 

I talked about this with Jay last night. Jay has no sympathy. She's a doctor. She's been wearing  masks at work since this whole pandemic thing started. Mind you, she gets to wear surgical masks and change them regularly through the day. 

We have different jobs. As a G.P. she's moving around a bit. Seeing people as well as working on the computer. For me, as a writer, in an office, I sit down staring at a screen all day. I find the masks uncomfortable after an hour or so. And yes, I could buy my own surgical masks, but I prefer the ones that I fling in the wash at the end of the day. I don't like the waste made from the disposably ones. 

Also, as a writer. I sit in front of a computer all day. After an hour the mask gets annoying. After a day with it on, your skin doesn't feel right. 

Yes, it's a first world problem and I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can work from home - but I'm at the stage where I want to be in the office again. I want to go further than my living room. I want to see more people - talk to somebody other than my cat. I want to sit and talk to people in the same room - preferably without a mask. 

Hopefully it won't be long now. 

Today's song:

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