Sunday, July 4, 2021


 It's that time of the week again - time to get the questions done. 

As always, the questions are supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. 3 things I love

  1. My friends and family
  2. My cat
  3. My health

2. Last song I listened to


Please don't judge me. It was on in the gym.

3. Turn offs

In no set order:

  • Rude people
  • Bananas
  • People who think they are experts because they've read a few articles on the internet
  • People who won't let you have a say
  • When my cat wipes his bum on the hall runner. (Grrr)

4. What color underwear are you wearing right now?

I'm not wearing any underwear. In my defence, it's Saturday night and I'm in my pyjamas. 

5. How many tattoos do you have?

One. A very small Chinese symbol on my hip. 

6. How many piercings do you have?

Technically four. Both ears have been pierced twice. Very boring and very eighties. My friend Sez was with my when I had the second piercings done when I was eighteen. I remember her laughing. 

7. Meaning behind my URL

I've always love the fact that denial is a big river in Africa. I think Pandora Queen of Denial is a great name for a blog. 

8. What I find attractive in other people.

All sorts of things. I love a sharp wit, a quick brain and a tendency to kindness. Physically, I'm a sucker for a hairy chest, soggy brown eyes and when men smell good - natural or not. Smell is so important. I've not continued in relationships because the person didn't smell good. 

9. Something that’s currently worrying me.

Oh, all sorts of things. The corruption in the Federal Government being a big one. It's insidious. I also want to know when I can travel again. And I'm starting to think about what my next job might be. I'm an overthinker so you could say I worry all the time. 

10. Something that’s constantly on my mind.

My novel - and how little I've managed to get done in the last six months. I'm forever thinking about that. 

11. My favorite store.

My favourite soap shop at the local shopping centre closed down a little while ago. And I'm not a big fan of shopping - but my favourite shop in Melbourne is a paper shop, Il Papiro,  down Degraves Street. It's just gorgeous. I could also spend a lot of time and money in Mecca Cosmetica. 

12. What I did yesterday.

Saturday - I went to the gym, went into town and had my eyebrows fixed up (they needed it), collected my mail, picked up a prescription, did some house work including two loads of washing and I did some writing. A quiet Saturday, thank goodness - it was a big week. 

13. My favorite blog

I read the Plastic Mancunian fairly regularly as well as an old writing colleague's blog, Fletcher Beaver. 

14. Someone I miss

I still miss my friend Reindert who lives in Colorado - maybe next year the borders will open and we will be able to see each other again - and yes, this is true - we Australians can only leave the country if we have permission from the government - and are willing to fit the bill for two weeks of hotel quarantine when you come back - that's about $3000... and don't get me started on the vaccine rollout here... Anyway, I miss Reindert. 

15. Reason why I follow Sunday Stealing

I've been doing the Sunday questions for many years. For a long time it was a reason for keeping this blog going - I promised myself I'd do the questions each week. I've kept this promise. It keeps the fingers turning over. 

Today's song: 


  1. I'm glad you've kept your promise to keep doing the questions each week!

  2. Hi Pand,

    #3 - I could add "When the cats come in from the rain and leave their filthy paw prints all over the house" :o)

    #10 I am sure you will get the novel done eventually. And, of course, I shall read it.

    #13 I like your blog too - always interesting and a peephole into Aussie life. We have been blog buddies for quite a while now, haven't we?




  3. I wish you'd let me know when you come to Colorado... we moved here 3 years ago. I am sad to hear about corruption there too... I'm afraid it's global almost, and some kind of sign that people are trouble. Not in trouble, but mostly trouble. (Poor environment and animals) I worry about some of the same things, and value what you mentioned in people as well.LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  4. The Missy Elliot song is now stuck in my head. :)
