Thursday, August 19, 2021

Day Off Blogging

Nah. Not really, but I'm having a day off work tomorrow, and nobody expects you to work much on your birthday, so I'm having a light on blog post today. 

I've been out already. Went and got a mushroom toastie from the hipster cafe, taking the time to walk around the block in the mean time while they went and sourced the mushrooms from some Norwegian field and stirred the rennet to make the cheese, and as they deftly massaged the sourdough starter. I left a message for the team that said I'd be back sometime before Christmas. 

(I love Hector's Deli, but you don't want to be in a rush)

Nothing says happy birthday like a butter drenched mushroom, provolone and Hectic Sauce sandwich on light rye, toasted to just where I like it. 

All washed down with an almond decaf latte, and we have a birthday. 

I will be drinking elderflower cordial during the day. 

Anyway, now the blog is done, there's a load of washing in the machine. It's sunny and breezy - a good drying day - and this makes me happy. I can get back to work. Deciphering to joys of hardship payment plans. Won't that be fun. I'll get in another walk or two over the day. As a middle aged woman in a mask, invisibility is my super power. In a lockdown, this is a good thing, when used with discretion and care. 

It's my second birthday in lockdown and all is fine. This too shall pass. It might be passing like a kidney stone, but it will pass. 

Today's song: 

Today's Cards: 

The Enchanted Map: Spirit of Place

Archetype Card: Pioneer

Cards Against Humanity: Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up... It's a trap!


  1. Happy Birthday, Pandora! That sandwich sounds AMAZING. What, pray tell, is "hectic sauce" ...I must know! Glad you had a good day :)

  2. Happy birthday Pand,

    Your birthday is the day after Mrs PM's. Both Leo ladies.

    Hope you have a good one.



