Thursday, August 12, 2021

I need Spencer

It's been two weeks since I jacked my knee, tripping on the stairs at the gym and landing badly. 

Two weeks on, it's still not a fun propostion. Yes, the leg is weight-bearing and mobile, but it's still aching. I'm waking with a sore leg.

Yes, I'm keeping it strapped. Yes, I'm taking ibuprufen to take away the ache. Yes, I'm trying to keep quiet and not use it too much. Yes, I'm using the bang-bang machine on the surrounding muscles. Yes, I'm applying reiki and massaging my own leg. Although I've put myself down for this 10000 steps a day challenge, I've worked out that rest really is best. The ache this morning was enough to make me take a "flat" day. I haven't been out the front door today, and though I had a training session in the lounge room this evening, Cleo is good at keeping my knee straight - no squats and lunges, lots of deadlifts and kettlebell swings. And thankfully, the leg is feeling okay now. More bang bang machine, more liniment, more massage before bed. Hopefully I wont wake up with an aching leg tomorrow.

But if we weren't in lockdown, I'd be going to see Spencer. Spencer's my injury bloke. A myotherapist. He's the one I go to when I get injured. He sticks pins in me and hooks me up to the tens machine. He rubs and prods and generally makes me scream - but he gets my muscles back on track. 

And we're in lockdown and my bodywork place is closed and I just want to see Spencer. 

Think is, he lives down the road. He has a dog. Part of me thinks I should go hang out at the dog park to see if he'd treat me there. 

Because I'm a bit sick of this - the sore leg, lockdown, the though that it's my birthday next week and we'll still be in lockdown...

I think I'm nearly over it. 

(and the day at home with limited walking means the leg is feels better)

Today's Song: 

Today's card:

Enchanted Map Cards: The Gentle Gardener

Archeteype Card: The Guide

Cards Against Humanity:  WAITING TIL MARRIAGE is a slipper slope that leads to KAMIKAZE PILOTS. 

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