Saturday, August 21, 2021


 There will be some good to come from this. It will. 

Woke this mornning with a bit of a sore throat, a heavy head, a slight cough and felt a bit achy. So after mediation and filling in the forms, I took myself over to Collingwood to have a COVID test. My fourth in the last 18 months. I know the drill.  

Personally, I think I have more chance of aquiring smallpox. I've not been to any listed exposure sites. I work from home. I'm good with the mask and the QR codes. Thankfully, I'm fully vaccinated. 

But I've done the right thing again - even if it looks like a wonderful walking day out there and I could be galivanting around with my mask on enjoying the balmy weather and the sunshine. Instead, I'm stuck indoors, waiting for the all clear.  

They've streamlined the check in system at the local testing centre. The meeters and greeters  ask you to fill in the forms. They're not providing you with a new surgical mask now - what ever you're wearing is fine. The check in was easy. Name? Date of Birth? Phone number? Check in number? Was I vaccinated? Which vaccination had I received? What was the date of my last vaccination? Easy stuff. 

I think that last question is going to be one you're going to have front of mind very soon. It's just a feeling. Watch this space. 

Then they hand you a baggie with a couple of swabs and a specimen tube and you go into the shipping container, which has been stripped of most furniture now and the nice health care official prods your tonsils and brain stem with the swab and it's all done. 

I was in and out in 15 minutes. 

And now for the wait - which means I'm stuck at home on a nice day until the results come in. They're normally back within the day. And there is a lot of stuff to do:

  • The mason's annual books
  • Novel writing
  • Knitting
  • Cleaning
  • Doing some weight training (yeah/nah)
  • Catching up on a couple of movies I've wanted to see for a while
  • Talk to the cat.
  • Unfriend/Unfollow antivaxxer social media aquaintences (basically because they give me the shits and I don't need their crap in my life)
Ho hum. As I keep saying, this too shall pass. 

Today's song: 

Today's Cards: 

Enchanted Map Cards: Spark

Archetype Cards: Rescuer

Cards Against Humanity: How am I maintaining my relationship status? A thermo-nuclear detonation. 

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