Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Pick a Card

The best thing about going to writer's workshops are the writing exercises you can take away with you. Of course, it seems much easier to have somebody else choose your cards and do the thinking, but I'm up for the challenge of setting my own writing targets. 

Also, what they don't tell you about writing a novel, is that there is SOOOO much to fill in. You have to know your characters, set them in situations, write around their troubles and work out who they are. And how can you do know this until you write it? 

So as an example, we did a fairy story task on Saturday. There are six prompts ... once upon a time... then something happens.... and another thing happens... and because of this... but then this was affected... and in the end... You take these prompts and meld your story around it. For me, I was able to nut out a back story for my main character, Faith, and her mate, Harry - who until this exercise, I did not know that they were friend's at primary school before they reconnected at university. Harry went off to boarding school. Faith stayed in the country town. Harry's family have money. Faith's doesn't. 

I got this all from this exercise. 

The other exercise which is love and get a lot out of is using cards.I have a lot of cards in my cupboard to choose from. 

I admit to being a bit of a card junkie. Along with my Rider Waite and Morgan Greer reading decks, a Voyager and Inner Child Tarot pack, a couple of packs of Angel cards, oh, and the Osho Zen cards, there is enough to choose from.

To keep up the impetus with the novel, I'm selecting three cards a day from three different decks to help prompt me into writing. Rather than use tarot cards, which can lead you down the garden path in their own right, I've chosen to use some more generic decks. They are:

But I've chosen these decks for a reason. 

The Archetype cards provide character traits, or allow my characters to operate in a certain way. So today's card, the Messiah, provides a chance to make a character do something, or act in a certain way. I can see some fun I can have with my character, Laz. 

The Enchanted Map Oracle provides an situation or environment in which to work. These are airy fairy cards - can't remember buying them, but I know they give some clarity. Thankfully I've still got the instruction book that goes with them. Also handy. 

And then there's the Cards Against Humanity. That party game for horrible people. Always good for a laugh, but again, a random question and answer can be worked into a scene. 

It's all about pushing yourself out of your little box and making some new connections. Though how I'm going to work in a soundscape and the Pope is another matter. 

Anyway, I'll give this a try. Fellow writers, you're welcome to use the prompts as you wish.  I'll put one up at the end of the blog for the month of August.                                                                       

Today's Song: 

Today's Cards: 

Enchanted Map Cards: Spirit of Place

Archetype Card: Messiah

Cards Against Humanity: What's that sound? The Pope...

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