Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday Stealing: From J. Durward

 Another weekend in lockdown. Very thankful for my bubble buddy who let me cook for her last night, and watch Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri with her. And I went for a walk with walk with Jay, as we're not allowed further than five kilometres (three miles) from the front door at the moment. We also found the local gin distillery selling cups of mulled gin from the front doorstep. Certainly perked up the walk home. 

Questions, as away, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1.  What is the nearest book to you?  Your Kindle does not count.

I have a large, very full book case behind me. The first book I looked at was George Saunders, Lincoln in the Bardo. Phenomenal book. 

I could have looked at a couple of hundred other titles, but that's the one I looked at first. 

2.  When was the last time you took a "me" vacation

Oh, that was a while ago. India at the end of 2018 wasn't really a 'me' vacation as I was there for a wedding, and yeah, it's India - not the easiest of travelling - and Hong Kong for the few days after was in the middle of some angry protests. 

So the last 'me' holida I had was my birthday in 2018 - I went to Bali with some friends for my 50th birthday. 

3.  How many telephone numbers do you have?

Two. My mobile (cell) and I do have a landline, but its not connected. I don't use it. 

4.  If you could fix one thing in the public school system, what is the one thing you would do immediately?

I'd bring back the technical high schools. We used to have them where kids who weren't academic could learn trades. It was a good way to get everybody a fair deal and set the less academic kids up well with life skills. It doesn't happen as much now. 

5.  What's your favorite Olympic event?

I used to love the gymnastics and the diving. Oh, and the dressage - how they make horses do that stuff is beyond me. 

6.  Do you watch the Olympics?

Umm, it's been years since I watched the Olympics - and this time round is no different. A lot of this is because the telecast here is all on digital and getting into these stations is hard on my telly. I also don't like how the current telecast on terrestrial television chops and changes and the commentators are really annoying. 

7.  Who is your favorite sports team player?

I'm really not into sports, but I don't mind Eddie Betts, who used to play for the Crows. He was great. Little, wiry and tenatious. (The Adelaide Crows are my Australian Rules Football team). 

8.  If you could travel in a spaceship to any planet, which planet would you like to visit and why?

Mars - and only because David Bowie's Life on Mars was released 50 years ago and it is still amazing. See the song of the day. If David Bowie was singing about it, it can't be bad. 

9.  When was the last time you sat in a church?

Oh dear? I say that if I walked into a church the place would fall down around me. It's been a number of years. I do remember visiting my cousin in Sydney. Her husband was the minister at St Laurences, a church near Central Station in Sydney where they perform Anglican High Mass. Adrian was leading Mass. I snuck in the back and sat down. I got the nod and the smirk. If it wasn't then, then it was my Uncle's funeral in Canberra which was around that time. 

Strangely, I contacted Adrian this week. He's currently the locum dean at St Peters Cathedral in Adelaide. I asked him if he would give me a tour next time I was in town. I want to visit their Black Madonna. 

I miss living in England. I love their old churches. For somebody who is not a Christian, indeed, I'm not religious at all, you'd find me in a lot of churches. I love the history of these places. 

10.  Are there any aspects of blogging that annoy you?

Not really. It is a bit of a challenge writing every day. And I know I write crap. 

11. Have you ever gone to a party and snooped in the medicine cabinet?

Yes, but only because I was in need of an asprin/paracetamol/bandaid/mouthwash. But I'm more likely to be found in front of the party-giver's book shelves or judging them for their drinks trolley. 

12.Do you watch reality TV?

In a very limited way, yes. I do watch Married at First Sight, and I don't mind The Block and Masterchef, but that is about it. 

13.  How many people can you call who have known you since you were in school?

Other than my family? One or two people. There are a lot of people I still talk to from university, but school, not so much. 

14. Who, when, and where was your first kiss?

Ergh, this questions. Let me se, it was Simon, my first boyfriend. I was sixteen. It happened in front of the fire in the lounge room. Australian Crawl's Reckless was playing . That's enough information. 

15. You just got thrown out of your country.  Where do you want to become a citizen?

If I had my way I'd already have a British passport, but I'd be very happy to immigrate to New Zealand or Canada. New Zealand is a more compassionate Australia and Canada just looks amazing. 

Today's song: 


Today's Cards:

The Enchanted Map:  Wishing Well

Archetype Cards: The Miser/Midas

Cards Against Humanity: What's a girl's best friend? Completely unwarranted confidence.  


  1. I'd love to go back to Canada. I spent three weeks traveling through Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon back in 1997, on a move to Alaska. It was spectacular, and clean, and everyone was so nice.

  2. #8. Agree about "Life on Mars" - a great song.

    #10. Your writing is far better than mine - and I wish I had your willpower to blog every day.




  3. The school I work at has a technical school and is open to all of the schools around us. I work in the preschool, so there is also a program called early childhood careers and the kids help out in our classrooms. It is great. The tech school also has cooking, nursing, construction, and lots of other things. It is a neat school. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. yes to technical training... we need all kinds of learning to contribute to society. Canada was awesome when I lived there, really awesome. great answers as usual. Of course with your reticence to discuss the kiss I really want to pull up a chair, get a glass of wine and hear the whole saga!

  5. I live on the Canadian border and forget it's a foreign country--it's like a neighboring town.

  6. New York has a great system of tech schools, which are fantastic.

  7. The olympics is about the only sporting event I watch regularly. In 2000, when my friend from Australia was staying with us, she was very upsets that the TV coverage was so bad and she could hardly find anything. this time around. it’s hard to find a station that is NOT covering the games. One channel alone has ten subchannels, each covering a different sport, one channel has four screens, each with a different event at the same time, and there must be two dozen other channels that all have coverage of events. Two are for Spanish speakers. Last night I watched a truly thrilling competition between Latvia and Russia in 3x3 basketball. I can’t believe I was sitting here all alone so caught up in this sport that I never heard of until last week featuring two countries I couldn’t care less about!
