Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Stealing: One Direction Asks

I started this late on Saturday night, we are in lockdown and under curfew orders (9 pm-5 am - really, it's not that bad) Iwas doing my ironing and watching Marvel movies, which is what you do on a Saturday night, in Melbourne, in lockdown (which will more than likely be extended for at least another two weeks) You have to make your own fun. 

But the Marvel Movie got the better of me and it is now Sunday morning and I'm doing this between things - like an exercise class, as going for a walk and odd jobs around the house. It is that much fun around here at the moment. 

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Are you a Jeopardy fan?  Who do you want to replace Alex Trebeck?

Um, we don't get Jeopardy around here. We used to get an Australian version of it back in the seventies, but it's not been around since then. And sorry, I have no idea who Alex Trebeck is. 

2. What’s your favourite horror film?

I'm not really into horror films, but Shaun of the Dead is pretty good. 

3. Are you a possessive person?

Not really. I'm good at letting things go and letting people live.

4. Who’s your idol?

I don't really have an idol, but there are writers I greatly admire. Carrie Tiffany and Hannah Kent are up there. 

Catherine Hamlin and here work in Africa is incredible. Oh to be able to reach people like that. 

5. List five things you can’t live without.

The pandemic is teaching us we can live without a lot of things. But these are the things without which, live would be very bland:

  • Friends
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Walks on sunny days
  • Gin

6. Where do you feel home?

Pretty much at home. And at Blarney's place. Anywhere you can put your feet up on the sofa is home to me.

I also felt very much at home in London, and Boston and strangely, Toledo, Spain - all places I could live easily away from Adelaide or Melbourne. 

7. What are your three best qualities?

I'm kind. I'm fairly intelligent. And I'm tenacious. 

8. Name three things that make you happy.

  • Being in water
  • Not being at work
  • Being out of lockdown
I have no idea when we will be out of lockdown. 

9. What helps you when you’re feeling down?

Getting away from it all, which is also difficult when you're not allowed 5 kilometres from your front door (another one of our wonderful restrictions). But just going for a long walk normally perks me up. That or playing with the cat or watching a favourite movie on the television helps a lot. Talking to friends also helps. 

10. Which big cities have you been to?

Lots of them. Here's a list:

  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • Brisbane
  • Auckland (New Zealand)
  • Bangkok
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Singapore
  • Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia)
  • London
  • Edinburgh
  • Dublin
  • Paris
  • Rome
  • Athens
  • Madrid
  • Amsterdam
  • New York
  • Boston
  • Philadephia
  • Los Angeles
  • Manchester
  • Leeds
I've been ot a lot of smaller cities too, but these are the big ones. 

11. What’s your favourite lovestory? ( Book, film, etc. )

Captain Antonio Corelli and Pelagia in Captain Corelli's Mandolin. That is still my favourite book ever. 

12. Talk about the best concert you ever attended.

Oh, that would be David Byrne at the Bristol Academy in 1993. He was incredible. 45 piece Mariachi band came on with him after the first act. He was off his tree on something at the time, but it didn't matter. And for the last song he did a cover of Sympathy for the Devil. It was incredible. It went on for 20 minutes. Love David Byrne. 

13. What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?

Cold winters and hot summers and the smell of dogs' paws first thing in the morning. 

14. What scares you?

All of this right wing propaganda and Q-Anon misinformation that goes around the place. Our misguided media have helped an incompetent government really screw up our COVID responce. It's awful and it really does scare the hell out of me. 

15. What are three things you want to do before you die?

In no order, some things I would like to do before I die:

  • Walk the Camino di Santiago de Compostella
  • Write and publish a successful novel
  • Get married (Yes, I know, surprising that one)

Today's Song:

Today's Cards: 

The Enchanted Map Cards: Mountain

Archetype Cards: God

Cards Against Humanity: Why can't I sleep at night? I'm summoning Harold Holt from the sea in a time of great need. 


  1. Hi Pand,

    #2 - Shaun of the Dead is more a comedy film, I reckon. I love it though - so British.

    #5 - I actually don't like gin. I would substitute beer - but I agree with your list.

    #10 - You've been to Manchester? I think I knew that - but if you ever come back, drop me a line.




  2. I love Shaun of the Dead--a classic!!

  3. My son was a huge David Byrne fan and almost met him when he ran into him standing outside a theater smoking. Paul was too shy to introduce himself, but did write part of a song about him.

    Gin used to be my alcoholic drink of choice until I decided to give up alcohol (I didn't like that it always made me sleepy)

  4. David Byrne is underrated. He's amazing!

    And Shaun of the Dead--I didn't think of that but it's an excellent choice!
