Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Summer

 Still in lockdown. Still working on the weekend chorse. Still pondering my next chapter rewrite. 

At least it is a glorious WINTER day here. It's going to reach about 19 degrees (Celcius not Farenheit), and there's a breeze so the washing will dry on the line. After this, I'll set myself out for a walk along the river with a friend, stopping at the local distillery for a hot mulled gin on the way home.

The things we do to keep ourselves amused during lockdown. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What subjects lead you down a Wikipedia rabbit hole?

Anything do to with the following subjects: 

  • 80's music
  • English cinema
  • The Tudor Court (i.e. Henry VIII and his cronies)
  • World War II
  • And what happened on any given day / year
  • Music and movie trivia.
Wikipedia is a good starting point for research. It's not the be all and end all. 

2. How do you like to spend your birthdays?

Funny, it is my birthday later this week, and as we are still under lockdown conditions and it's falling midweek, I'll be doing nothing. Going to work (in my lounge room) and seeing my trainer after work and if I'm feeling really decadent I might get in fish and chips. 

But I am taking Friday off work. I was hoping to go to the art gallery, but the chance of us being out of lockdown Friday are minimal, so what I might do is have a Marvel movie marathon in my pyjamas, get in takeaway an have a lazy day. This is the second birthday I've had in lockdown. It sorta sucks. We'll see what the health orders say early next week, but I'm not liking the chances. 

3. Something you might take a little too seriously?

 Australian Politics. But it's good to be in the know. 

4.  Describe a time you made a good decision for yourself

 Leaving a job I wasn't overly enthusiastic about and moving to the Greek Islands for a while was a good thing. Going for therapy 15 years ago was a great thing. Taking up running at 40 was also a wonderful thing. 

5. Something you’ve improved/gotten better at

 I'd like to think the quality of my writing is getting better with time and practice - not the blog posts as much, but the fiction writing seems to be flowing better. 

6. What dish would you bring to a summer potluck?

I'm the dessert queen and I do a wicked fresh fruit salad with lots of berries, mangoes, lychees and other tropical and summer fruits. If not, I might do a Nigella Lawson no-churn ice cream. Make your own ice cream without an ice cream maker. It's awesome. 

7. What do you miss about Winter?

Well, it's Winter here at the moment - and I love Winter. Wish it went on longer. 

8. Share a summer memory

As a kid we used to drive down to the beach late in the afternoon, play beach cricket. swim and have dinner on the beach. We'd go home when it was nearly dark. The beach near home is one that you can drive on. You still can. When I go back to Adelaide I will often meet a friend down at that beach for a swim. Love it down there. 

9. Words you misspll or misuse the most

 Effect / Affect. It always trips me up. 

10. Things you love to do, that can only happen in summer

 I love that in summer you can sit outside late into the evening at one of Melbourne's rooftop bars (or in the beer garden) Nothing better than a cool drink on a warm night, just chewing the fat or listening to music. 

11. How would you describe your sense of humor?

 Dry, dark and a little strange. I've got a very English sense of humour, loving the absurd and the silly in equal measure. Things that make me laugh include Monty Python, English comedies, dark comedies (If you've ever seen What We Do in the Shadows you'll understand). New Zealand has produced some of the best comedies over the last fifteen years. 

12. Have you ever quit a job or career?

Yes. A couple of times. Every time I've done it, it has been for the best. Threw in a job to move to the Greek Islands once - though Island life didn't work out for me, the change of scenery was for the best. 

13. What are your favorite features of your cell phone?

I use the torch (flashlight) regularly. And I would be stuck without the camera. Love my iPhone camera. I just like taking photos.

14. What scents always make you hungry?

Mum's cooking - particularly roast lamb. And the Cookie Man cookies - there are concessions around town and they are just marvellous. They remind me of times with my grandparents. 

15. What are you working on right now?

I have a half-knitted hat in front of me - and I'm working on the great Australian dystopian novel  -  and have been for a couple of years, on and off. 

Today's song:

Today's cards:

The Enchanted Map Cards: Follow the Leader

Archetype Cards: Hedonist

Cards Against Humanity: Oi, show us ...OVERCOMPENSATION. (I can use that...) 


  1. I'm so glad that Wikipedia has become more reliable over the years. There was a time when I couldn't let my students use it for research because the entries were often wrong.

    Thanks for the Lizzo! I'm not overly familiar with her.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Happy birthday for later this week. It's Mrs PM's too.

    #3 - Similar answer to mine - but English politics - which is in a terible state and has been for the past 10 or so years.

    #4 I can see myself moving to the Greek islands for a while. I love Greece.

    #9 Me too.




  3. Happy early birthday! Hope you manage to enjoy the day even if in lockdown. By the way, I think it is good that Australia is still using lockdowns. We're not and the cases are skyrocketing again.

  4. Have a great birthday! I just wrote about mine. I use my IP flashlight too.
    Our Covid rates are going up with the new Delta variant and people not wearing mask.

  5. oh no, what's going on with Australian politics... is there no safe place left in the world where leaders care about the citizens? Happy birthday to you, enjoy the parts of the day you can, a movie marathon sounds great. Spending time in Greece sounds so exotic to me

  6. 80's music will lead me down the rabbit hole too. I forgot about that one.
    Affect/effect trips me up too.
    Have a very Happy Birthday! Loved your answers. Have a great day!
