Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Let's get sweary

I'm over this. 

Seriously, I'm just completely over this COVID shitfuckery. 

And yes, I know it is for my own good. And the good of the community. And I know that if we don't do it lots of people will get very sick and die and put a massive strain on the health service, and then be sick for weeks and months after that. 

This extended lockdown is about as wanted as those text messages the Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly are bombarding your phone with ad nauseum. 

But I'm fucking over it. 

I want to: 

  • Get my bloody eyebrows waxed so I don't look like John Howard any more
  • Have my hair fucking cut and coloured. My hair is now past my bra strap.
  • See a sodding movie on the big screen
  • Have some dinner with my flipping friends
  • And have dinner at their bloody place and not have to be home by 9 pm. (I'm not twelve)
  • And I want to get on a bloody plane and go somewhere...anywhere that is not the four walls of my fucking flat. 
  • And meet up for breakfast at Cafe D'Lish after meditation
  • And maybe go on a date and get laid (yeah, I know, big call)
  • And work from the office where I don't get excoriated by the flipping cat on a daily basis
  • And to have the ability to go on a munchie run at 10 pm for a Magnum
  • And the list goes on. 
Yes, I'm over it and I'll get fucking sweary because I fucking can. 

Please note, I'm not angry with the State Government. I do get why they are doing this and for the most part, they're doing a good job. Their job is unforgiving. I couldn't do it. 

And I'm fully aware of the privileges I have being employed, able to work from home and having taken up the chance to get vaccinated early.

And I will still silently judge people who choose not to get vaccinated because their immune systems will suffice/don't believe in COVID/think the vaccines are going to implant a 5G chip in their bodies as selfish cunts. But I will do this silently, just as they have the right to do as they choose, I have the right to silently judge and not to direct my seething disbelief and anger. 

It's three fucking weeks. I'll just pull up my big girl trousers and get on with it and keep on swearing intermittently. 

That feels better. 

Today's Song: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    Yup. I'm with you completely (though not on all of it. Eg I have no desire to ever get my eyebrows waxed).

    We seem to be okay for the moment (not sure how given the fuckwit we have in charge).

    I hope it's all over for you guys soon. I feel your pain.



