Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Nearly 1000 questions Part II

 Another weekend in lockdown. The washing has been brought in before the rain comes. I've been for a walk. I've made coffee ice cream (Nigella Lawson's no-churn coffee ice cream is the best). That's about as good as it gets here at the moment. 

Questions, as usual, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1. Who do you take for granted?

I try not to take anybody for granted, but I know I do sort of take Blarney and Barney this way as they feed me and let me cuddle their cats once a week. I do bring over dinner sometimes to give back a bit. 

2. Short, knee, or ankle skirts? (if a man, have you ever worn kilts?)

Knee skirts and longer skirts for me. I have some above the knee dresses and skirts but they're not too short. Too old for that sort of thing. 

3. Do you wear a hat?

Sometimes. When I'm out walking I often wear a baseball cap (New York Yankees or a Boston Redsox cap - depends on the day).  And I'll wear my Crows beanie to the football. But that's it. I look good in hats, but other than when I'm out walking and it keeps my hair in check, or if I want shelter from he sun, that's all I wear hats for. I have a face that looks good in hats. 

4. Who's your favorite cartoon character?

That would be a toss up between Jessica Rabbit, Chuckie from Rugrats and Hong Kong Phooey - they're all great. 

5. Does break dancing impress you?

Yes and no. It's very athletic. Surely it's soon to be an Olympic sport soon (if it isn't already). 

6. Are you a miracle?

An everyday miracle. I mean, fifty odd years ago a sperm and an egg got together and created me. If it was another sperm, I might not be me. I see this as an everyday miracle. Just is. 

7. Have you ever eaten tofu?

Hell yeah. Tofu, when done well, is amazing. The silken tofu at Red Spice Road was incredible. Any sort of silken tofu with a spice sauce is great. It's great when it is done well. 

8. Does the moon have an effect on your mood?

Yes. I have a Moon in Cancer and a Capricorn rising, both moon driven zodiac signs. So you. And I howl at the full moon. It's great fun. 

9. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree?

No, I think Harry Potter is wonderful and it has a lot of brilliant values along with a vivid imagination. All good stuff. Yes, some of the writing is a bit twee, but the ideas and the world Rowling has created is extraordinary. 

10. What are you doing next Wednesday?

Well, we'll be still in lockdown, so next Wednesday I'll be going to work (read change out of my pyjamas into something like jeans and a top and walking into my living room), and maybe I'll do a stretch class and if I'm really lucky, my writing group might be meeting up. But that is about it. Lockdown means that the options are very, very limited. 

11. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive?

I have no idea. Wishful thinking? They're idiots? Mind you, if he was alive, Elvis would be 86 now. With his unhealthy lifestyle it would be pretty doubtful he's be here, and if he was, he wouldn't be very healthy. I say let him rest in peace. 

12. Are your hands cold?

 No. I have warm hands. Because I practice reiki, they're even warmer and can supercharge really easily. But my circulation is really good.           

13. Have you ever given blood?

Yes. I used to give blood regularly. But the rules in Australia are strick. If you've lived in England between 1980 and 1996 for more than six months, you cannot give blood. I was there from 1991-1999. According to the blood bank website, they are in the process of looking at changing this ruling. Once that happens, I'll be back giving blood. It's too important. 

14. What SCI-fi books do you read?

I don't really read science fiction - the best I do is literary science fiction by authors like Margaret Atwood, Kazou Ishiguro and David Mitchell. It's not really a genre that interests me. 

15. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity?

No. It's not something we have attached to the university system over here in Australia. It really is an American thing. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    #8 - Do you really howl at the moon? Hee hee hee. I feel like trying that in a crowded area to see what the reaction would be.

    Rock Lobster is a crazy song - I actually like it. The B-52's are rather strange, don't you think?




  2. You mean you actually change out of pajamas? I don't have a pj top, but I often wear the bottoms for several days. Nobody ever sees me.

  3. I have howled at the moon once. It was a great release. I was definitely under the influence of the moon that night.
    I love Margaret Atwood, but I do not really read much sci-fi either. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

  4. You've made my day! I haven't thought of Hong Kong Phooey in...well, probably my entire adult life. He was funny and I remember watching him...even in the Laugh Olympics or whatever that show with all the cartoon characters in it was called.

    Rock Lobster helped make the day, too. The B-52's are so much fun.

  5. Ah--Rock Lobster! What fun.

    I agree that the world Rowling created was sophisticated. I enjoyed the world of Harry Potter.
