Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Not quite 1000 questions, Part II

 Well, it looks like we're still in lockdown for another six weeks, although they're starting to relax a few of the rules. We can go on picnics with vaccinated people, but we've still got a curfew. I'm just glad I'm fully vaccinated. 

Life is really fun at the moment. And it looks like it will be another six weeks until I can get to my hairdresser (as well as waiting to get an appointment....) I think this is distressing me the most. My hair hasn't been cut since May... I look like a mix between Stevie Nicks in the seventies and Cousin It at the moment. I'm a bit over it. 

Now onto the questions, supplied, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. If America is one nation under god then are atheists citizens?

Oh, this an American question. I'd say if God could be seen as some all seeing, all knowing construct, then they created atheists as well and all is fine. I'm very much for the separation of church and state, and being agnostic, I sort of get both sides of the coin. But even so, if you do believe in an all powerful god, then they would have created the atheists and that should always be kept in mind. 

2. Is there anything that you believe should be banned for any reason?

Yes. Religions that don't pay tax should be banned.  I've also got a thing about guns being owned in the city. Not for them either. But I'm basically a live and let live person. 

3. How often do you eat too much?

Not very often. Normally eating too much creeps up on my when I'm out and all of a sudden you realise that you've gone overboard. I try not to do this.

4. If you died tomorrow, what mark would you have left on the world?

I'm not sure I'd leave a mark. But I do hope that I'd be remembered for being kind, brave and funny. 

5. Are you a city person or a country person?

I do both city and coutnry, but I don't do suburbs. I was raised in the country, and love living out in the sticks, and I currently live inter-city and I really enjoy all that has to offer. But the suburbs, I do not understand. They're weird and they freak me out. Strange things happen in the suburbs. It's probably just what I know. 

6. What annoys you the most about yourself?

I'm a great procrastinator. I wish I wasn't. Oh look, there's my ironing pile...

7. Who was your childhood hero?

I don't remember having a childhood hero, but I have always been a sucker for Superman. He's always been the best, particularly the Christopher Reeves incarnation. 

8. With nearly 100 channels why is NOTHING ever on?

I put that down to FOMO (Fear of missing out). That and there is an incredible amount of badly made crap, alternative news and reality television that doesn't warrant watching. Too much choice, so you can't make a decision. Bring back the days when there were only four channels (as long as we can keep our streaming services.)

9. Would you adopt a stray kitty wandering through your neighborhood?

Yes. I'd adopt them all given half the chance. Not sure what Lucifer would think of that. I nearly did that a few years ago when I came across a kitten down the end of the road. When I went back to find it, it had gone, or had been taken to the local vet for rehousing. 

10. Which Lord of the Rings movie has the best ending?

Umm, probably the last one, because then the films were over. Not a huge Lord of the Rings fan. 

11. What are you missing in your life?

At the moment, gawd, there's a lot to miss. Time, friends, intimacy, love, sex, movies, theatre, the library, going to the office, the gym, and the biggest one of all. MY HAIRDRESSER! I'm sick of being in lockdown. 

12. What could you make a sculpture out of that's in the room with you right now?

Oh there is so much stuff in this room, I could use all sorts of things. If I went around the skirting boards and collect the tumbleweeds of cat hair and make a sculpture out of that. There's enough of it to get something into the Tate Gallery in London. 

13. Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis?

Yes. Part of me thinks Atlantis is where the island of Santorini is now, seeing half the island fell into the sea. I like stories like that. It's good to believe in things like this. 

14. Have you ever read The Little Prince?

Yes. I studied it in its original French in my last year if school. I've got copies of it in French and English in the bookshelves behind me. 

15. What fantasy book would you like to see made into a movie?

I'm not really into fantasy. It's not my genre. Of literary fantasy and science fiction, I wouldn't mind Margaret Atwood's Maddaddam trilogy being made into a series. Though not fantasy (more dystopic science fiction) it would be amazing to see what a liobamb looks like.  (comes from genetically splicing a lion and a lamb).

Today's song:


  1. Wise answer to #1, I'm pretty much right there with you.

  2. at first these questions turned me off but reading your answers, and those of others really made me think! That's a good thing! Number one brings up something that has increasingly bothered me. People justify so much hate ironically in the name of religion... which is to be about love.

  3. Now that you mention it, I think French class may just be where I read the Little Prince. I seem to remember seeing the text in French not English. I must not have been impressed, because I couldn't tell you a thing about the story.
