Friday, September 17, 2021

The cautionary tale

 Regular readers will be aware that my friend Jay and I have seen a lot of each other during lockdown being the most convenient person to go for a walk with, so I get to hear a lot of her stories. Jay's a doctor. She's also over people at the moment, or more particularly, the vaccine resistant of our numbers. 

Over the last week she was venting about the receptionists and patients at her practice. Protocols wren't being followed, patients with coughs and colds were turning up without being tested (BIG NO-NO in her eyes, and fair enough), patients refusing to wear masks, patients refusing to check in. 

I'd hate to work in a doctor's office. 

Anyway, Jay was telling us at our Monday Zoom P.T. session about this fellow who had come into the practice who was a bit ill. He was elderly. He had cold and flu symptoms. A member of his family had  tested positive to COVID, but he was bullet proof. He hadn't got the vaccination. He didn't trust them. Believed all the hype about the Astra Zeneca jab and he refused to get it, despite his doctor asking/begging him to get it done back in March, April, May and June. I think his doctor gave up on this fellow in the end, despite him being old and with a number of major health problems. You can only inform people. If they listen, it's up to them. 

He tested COVID postitive on Tuesday. 

Yesterday, he was in ICU, a ventilator breathing for him. 

And it didn't have to be like this. 

But we get to make our own choices. 

Some things, like this vaccination thing, for me, don't really require thinking about. 

I'll let you know what happens to to elderly gentleman if I get told. 

I just find it sad as he probably didn't have to end up where he did if he did things differently.  

Today's song: 

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