Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Eleven years ago

Eleven years ago I was boarding a plane in Singapore, my ultimate destination being New York. 

I'd won two tickets to anywhere in the world. As I had nobody to go anywhere with, I had this changed to a round the world ticket. 

So on this day eleven years ago, I woke up in a lovely hotel on the Orchard Road. An old Uni friend and I had reconnected. She and her family live in Jahor Bahru in Malaysia. Just over the causeway. We'd had a great night the day before - we'd gone for egg and oysters and sugar cane juice in one of the markets in downtown JB. I love experience like this. From the qibla in the hotel room, pointing towards Mecca, to the man in the minaret waking you up at some ungodly hour, I love all the situations that get thrown your way. I wish I could have spent more time in Malaysia. I prefer it to Singapore - a city state which to me is just sterile. I need to be there with a local to see the best of it.

Anyway, eleven years ago today, day started off well enough. I woke in a very nice hotel down Singapore's Orchard Road. My friend and I came over to Singapore to have a good look around. I remember we had Nasi Lemak at Raffles and and had good wander around the city, visiting an amazing Hindu temple in one of the Indian areas of the city. I remember the escalators down to the subway ran faster than anything I had ever seen. 

We had a good look around the Orchard Road - had some lunch. That's where things get a bit shonky. Whatever I had for lunch did not agree with me. 

My flight to Frankfurt, then onto New York was at around midnight. I had twelve hours to deal with this funny tummy. 

It was supposed to be a full day in Singapore. I ended up going to the airport early, checking my bags, taking a room at the airport hotel and puking my guts out for the next six hours. The bathroom was destroyed, and I felt wretched. 

Boarding the plane later that night, I warned the crew of my predicament. Thankfully I was vomited out by then. Also, thankfully, the seat next to me was free, so I could stretch out a bit and rest. 

Over the flight, I drank the plane dry of their supply of dry ginger ale  - a must if you're trying to settle your stomach. I also remember one of the crew gently waking me up by stroking my head, making sure I was fine. 

It wasn't the greatest of flights - there's nothing worse than flying when you have gastro / food poisoning / a stomach ailment. But it was good to get the crappy stuff out of the way, as it turned out t be the holiday of a lifetime. It was the last time I was in Europe. It was the last time I was in America. If I'm honest, it was the last time I really went exploring. 

I want to do that again - and soon. 

Today's song: 

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