Thursday, October 28, 2021

I am not a people manager

 Actually, I am not a manager. Never have been. Don't want to be one. Never aspired to be one. 

But at the moment, I'm acting as manager. 


See, I've been elevated to the state of acting team leader. 

I don't think I was ever meant to be a manager. But it seems I am one, and allegedly, I'm okay at it, even if I don't think so. 

In the last few weeks I've been finding myself doing the following: 

  • Reviewing CVs
  • Dealing with HR
  • Interviewing people
  • Distributing work
  • Forming relationships with other work streams
  • Discussion staffing issues
  • Finding out all this stuff I really don't want to know
  • Training people
  • Organising people
  • Ensuring reporting gets done
  • Making sure stuff gets done
and not getting any work done myself.

One of the big things about this temporary promotion is that it's not official, although it feels like it.

And I don't think I'm good at it, although I'm quite good at training people up on the tool we use. 

It just doesn't sit well. 

I'm not good at being bossy. 

I'm not great with people most of the time. 

That's why I live with a cat. 

Or in the words of Ted Lasso, heavy is the head that wears the visor...

Today's song: 

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