Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Journal Buddiles

Another Sunday, another set of questions. And now the floors are mopped and theatre subscription has been sorted and I've been for a walk, and dinner is in the oven, it's time to do the Sunday questions, brought to you, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

Bev, you've set some hard ones this week. 

1. Who is your favorite singer?  What do you like about him or her? 

I'm a lover of music, so I have so many favourite singers and performers. David Byrne, David Bowie, Black Francis, Tim Freedman (The Whitlams) Jason Mraz, Damien Rice, Amy Winehouse, Jewel... the list is long. 

But a singer I keep going back to is Paul Simon. I love his range. I love his songs. I love his New York sensibilities. I love that he's timeless. 

2. Write about your first memory of going to the doctor.

It's not so much the doctor, but the physiotherapist. As a kid I had my legs corrected as I used to walk on my tiptoes and I had knocked knees. I had to go see the physiotherapist regularly. Her name was Miss Creswell and she was very, very scary. I remember going to the Children's Hospital in Adelaide in my calipers, waiting for the lights, when somebody pointed me out, saying, "Look at that little crippled kid." It was sort of a defining moment. I just remember I didn't like Miss Creswell very much. I think most parents were scared of her too. 

3. Write a poem about writing poems.

If writing a poem was easy,

And didn't turn your words to shit,

People would do it more often

And not make a laugh out of it. 

4. Write a poem about vacations.    

I remember holidays.

A faraway destination

To a week of difference and wonder. 

Of monkeys stealing your dinner

And yoga mats, drowned

In the sweat of a thousand hippies. 

Of being hassled for a taxi every ten steps

Of drinking bottled water

And going vegetarian, just because. 

Ah, Bali, I miss you.

I hope to see you soon. 

5. What is something interesting that no one knows about you?    

I'm a boring open book and I can't think of anything really interesting about me. 

Here's three things you may not know about me:

  • I generally don't eat lasagne, bananas or cauliflower. I'll eat them if put in front of me, but I don't like them
  • When I was a kid I grew up wanting to be an astronaut
  • I don't really like oriental cats. I much prefer moggies to Siamese / Burmese concoctions. 

6. Why is it so important to help other people in need?   

Isn't it one of the social contracts of being human to help those in need. It makes you feel good and it hopefully makes who you're helping feel good. It just needs to be done. 

7. Would you rather finish a project early or do it at the last minute?  Why?    

I'd rather finish a bit early than leave things to the last minute. I've got a bit of OCD, so planning things out and getting them done is a very good thing. It means less stress. 

8. If you had three months left to live, what would you do?     

Travel the world. See friends. Eat and drink everything I want to. Love on ice cream. Maybe go skydiving. I'd try and make the most of it. 

9. If you could be a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be?  Why?    

Rum and raisin. It's a little bit exotic, a little bit naughty and there are wonderful bits in there that you really don't expect. 

10. What is the hardest thing about being a kid?

Not knowing things. I still hate not knowing things, knowing how to do things - but it seems it does all kick in after a while. 

11. Would you rather be tall or short?  Why?    

Tall. I'd love to be an inch or two taller. My weight would fit my height better. And you can reach more things. Not that I'm complaining. I'm around 5'5" so I'm not short-short. I certainly wouldn't want to be any shorter than I am now. 

12. What is the greatest challenge facing people in our world today?    

Either climate change or extremism. Both things have huge repercussions for generations going forward. 

13. What is the scariest experience you’ve ever had?    

I've been lucky and haven't been in many scary situations. But I do remember getting followed home in England one time - that was terrifying. I also remember being really scared in Naples. it was just the vibe, but I was really pleased to leave.

Also anything to do with huntsman spiders scares the crap out of me, but I'm getting better with handling those. 

14. Write a poem about music.    

I have forgotten how the base line

Reverberates in your chest, 

As you stand in the mosh pit, 

Screaming with all your might. 

I have forgotten how the bump and grind

Of the synchopated crowd,

Lets you disappear. 

How you mimic the singer, 

Knowing the words like a mantra,

Howling with the crowd. 

I have forgotten

What it is to be part of a gig.

I wish it wasn't forgotten. 

15. Write about a favorite memory of something you did with your best friend.

I have a number of best mates:

So some favourite time with these friends include :
  • When a group of us went to Bali for my birthday
  • The day Jonella and I spent at the Peninsula Hot Springs on a hooky day. 
  • And getting to hang out with Mariah and Geetangeli in Sydney, when we were all in the one city at the one time
  • And the road trip with Reindert, driving a friend's van back from Newcastle to Melbourne 
  • And the many degustation meals I've had with friends
  • Or going for a swim with Sarey and her husband when I'm in Adelaide
  • Or just hanging out with Blarney and Barney and the boys
  • Or Christmas with Lachlan all those years ago.
I'm very lucky to have such friends. 

Today's song: 


  1. "Moggie" ... I'm assuming this is your standard housecat, yes? Such a cute word.

  2. I quoted Paul Simon today (in a different meme) and have been listening to him all morning!

  3. I like poem #14 the best. Nicely done.

  4. Hi Pand,

    I knew your poems would be better than mine.

    Sky diving? No thanks! That would prpbably bring death a little closer...



