Tuesday, October 26, 2021

To gym

 Or not to gym?

That is the question...

The gym is opening up at the end of the week to vaccinated people and I'm in a couple of minds whether I go back. For the last four months I've been working out on zoom doing online classes, seeing Cleo in the park, walking with friends and just getting on with things. 

Now the gym is coming back, I'm a bit flummoxed. 

Some of this is because Cleo no longer works at the gym. She now trains out of a small, well-equiped studio in Hawthorn. That used to be two reasons why I would go to the gym each week. And you're paying money each fortnight to go to the gym. To get value for money, I'd need to go at least three times. 

Suppose I should do a pro and con list for this. 


  • There are different classes there
  • You get to see other people
  • The gym affords you free parking at the shopping centre for two hours - this is very useful
  • There is lots of different equipment
  • You can train out of hours
  • And do cardio when it's raining/dark
  • Cleaning standards
  • Density limits - how are they going to be policed
  • You're still going to have to wear a mask indoors for a bit
  • They say they're only open to the vaccinated, but how is it going to be policed?
  • I really like the online classes I've been doing (however they might come to an end when the instructor goes back to her studio in Doncaster)
  • I can't justify keeping both the online classes and the gym
  • Jay is also making this list for the same reason, and it's not the same without a training buddy
  • Most of the cool trainers have left for other studios or jobs
  • Fern, our favourite pump instructor won't be taking the Sunday morning class (she's been doing it for eight years and she's as gutted as we are)
  • Will I use the membership enough? This is a big question.
Okay, there are more cons on the lsit than pros - but I'll have to mull this over for a while longer.

Too tired to make any decisions at the moment. 

Today's song: 

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