Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Guilty Pleasure: Travel Guides

After a very long day, I need a bit of guilty pleasure television. 

On my list of things to do there is the following: 

  • Do the ironing
  • Write some of the novel
  • Hoover
  • Clean up
  • Learn my ritual
And a few other things that could be done. 

Instead, I'm watching a re-run of Travel Guides on Channel Nine. 

I love Travel Guides. They make me laugh. 

I love Kevin and Janetta, the travel snobs. Kevin's wit is dryer than the Sahara. Kevin and Janetta are better off on the luxury trips, but give them their dues, they give everything a go. 

The 'Target Boys' , Kevin, Dorian and Teng are sweet, funny versions of the ugly Australians you often find in Bali. They're always up for anything, relentessly taking the piss out of each other. 

The Fren Family from Newcastle, Mum, Dad, the red-headed son who never smiles and the overly exuberant daughter - they love to find a bargain, or get an upgrade. 

And the rodeo twins from the back blocks of Queensland who are wonderful in the way they're rough  around the edges. 

Over the years, they've had other blow ins, but these guys are the staples. 

And I love them. I love that they make me laugh. 

And they travel around taking in everything with good grace and humour. 

And that is what I am watching tonight instead of doing my chores because it makes me happy. 

Today's Song

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