Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November Check in - December Goals

 Oh, it's goals day. God help me. 

Other than being exhausted and being sick of working a 50-60 hour week then having a Property Association meeting - I'm friend. 

Anyway, let's get on with it:

So how did I do with November's goals:

Read four books.

I kicked goals with the one. I finished six books this month. They were:

  • The Performance by Claire Thomas
  • My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
  • How We Love - Notes on a Life by Clementine Ford
  • Billie Whitelaw  - Who He? by Billie Whitelaw
  • The Henna Artist, by Alka Joshi
  • The Luminous Solution by Charlotte Wood. 

Use the gym three times a week

This one is getting there. I see Cleo twice a week and I've managed to get back into the gym proper, twice a week. We're getting there. 

Hoover and mop once a week.

Yeah, didn't happen. Hoovered once a week. Mopped once in the month. I hate doing floors. 

Participate in NaNoWriMo

Unfortunately, this didn't happen. some writing did get done - but not this. Work took over this month, unfortunately. 

See two movies

This happened, however. I saw The Eternals, which I wasn't a fan of - and I saw No Time to Die, the new Bond film. Twice. I really liked that. 

And for my December Goals:

Read four books.

I love this goal. It keeps my reading up.

See four movies

I have some time off at the end of the month, so I think this will be doable - and there are some great movies coming out. 

Close the rings on my Apple watch at least 25 days of the month

Another good actvity goal. I managed it 18 times over the month of November. I want to get this up. Walking has fallen by the wayside due to work being so cactus. This has to change. 

And this will do. I like striving for reachable goals. With work being mental, this is a good thing.

And the song of the day is AWESOME. This makes me happy. Bedtime now. 

Today's song: 

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