Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Thanksgiving

This time comes around every year, and every year I say the same thing - as an Australian, I really don't have much of a concept of Thanksgiving - it's an American thing We don't have it, unless you're lucky enough to have American friends who invite you round - hence I've been to one Thanksgiving dinner, held on the weekend after that blessed Thursday. Also, being on the last Thursday of November, I tend to be working, and the thought of eating strange foods, such as sweet potatoes with marshmallow (Which I discovered, strangely work together), pumpkin pie (which to an Australian is a bit of a travesty, as pumpkin is a savoury vegetable best left for soup and roasts)  and roast turkey - which forever comes out dry if you're not careful, all the while battling your family. Yeah... I'll keep to working on the last Thursday of the month. 

But I'll give these questions a go, supplied, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing

1) What teacher are you most thankful for and why?  What did you learn from him or her?

My high school French teacher was a wonder. She helped instill the wonder of other languages, and taught be how to learn languages. I'll forever be grateful for that. 

2) What’s the season you’re most thankful for, and what’s your favorite part of each season?

I am thankful for Autumn (Fall) as the worst of the heat of Summer is over by then. I love everything about Autumn. Winter is my next favourite season as you get to cuddle up and eat heavy food and keep warm. Summer is good because you can wander around in the evening in the warm - I love eating outside on pleasant summer evenings. Spring is good because it's still cool overnight, but the days get brighter - and your washing can finally get dry on the line. 

3) What electronic device are you most grateful for, and what does it add to your life?

That would have to be my phone. I think I'd be so cut off from the world without my phone. It gives me a lot of joy, my phone - I listen to music through it, stream television, keep up with the world. It would be strange not to have it. 

4) What musician or type of music are you most thankful for?

I am forever indebted to David Byrne for introducing me to World Music. I love David Byrne - he's given me so much joy over the years. But then again, most music gives me joy. 

5) What are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?

My cat. He's gorgeous. He's also a prick, but he's a wonderful, wonderful fellow. Literature and my friends also bring me a lot of joy and a sense of beauty. 

6) What philanthropic cause or organization do you feel thankful for?

Both the Fred Hollows Foundation and the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation. Both are very worthy charities, founded by Australians, that do amazing work around the world. I'm also grateful to the Leukaemia foundation, which was of assistance to my family a few years ago. 

7) What foods are you most thankful for?

Ice cream. It fixes everything. 

8) What local store or restaurant are you most grateful for?  How does it contribute to your quality of life?

Oh, there are many, from my local coffee shops where I go every second morning - love Holla Cafe and Soul Origin at the local Shopping Centre. Of course the Vinh Ki , Roll'd and the Loi Loi my local Chinese / Vietnamese restaurants are great and feed me when I need feeding. The local Toscanos, the wonderful continental green grocer and deli are fantastic. We are very lucky when it comes to food over here. 

9) What book are you most grateful for, and why?

This is a strange one, but that has to be Dr Spencer Johnson's Who Moved My Cheese. Reading this changed my whole live and set me living a different life from that day onwards. I continually remind myself: 

It can change your life. 

10) What act of kindness has made the greatest difference in your life?

My stepfather gave me the money for a ticket to England when I was 23. Another moment which completely changed my life for the better. 

11) What challenging experience has ended up changing your life for the better?

There have been too many of them to mention. I find adversity is a great way to grow, whatever that may be. You have to breakdown to break through. Isn't that what they say?

12) What vacation are you most grateful for?

At the moment, any holiday would be appreciated. I'm very appreciative of the weekends I spend down the Great Ocean Road on retreat with other writers. These weekends away really do restore the batteries. Next year I intend to have four to six weeks off and go overseas. England is looking likely. We will see. 

13) Name three days in your life that you feel especially grateful for.

  • Any day when I don't have to go to work
  • The day I moved to England
  • The day I worked out I could use my writing as a way to earn money. 

14) What product do you use on a daily basis that you most appreciate?

Oh, that would be anything which is used in my morning ablutions. So this includes:

  • Good moisturiser
  • Clinique soap in extra mild
  • Some sort of serum - what ever is on special at the chemist
  • Native deodorant - brilliant stuff
  • And leave in hair conditioner

15) What, from this year, do you feel most grateful for?

I'm very grateful that I was able to get vaccinated and I'm very grateful that the lockdowns are over. Sure we have a few restrictions, but we can live freely now. Thank goodness. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    I too have don't really get Thanksgiving - but I've had a go.

    Yes - David Byrne - weird and wonderful. And I also love Shout by Tears for Fears (the album Songs from the Big Chair is my favourite pop album from the 1980's).

    Cats are also cool - I have two black cats (resisted the temptation to call one of them Lucifer though).

  2. It's interesting that neither you nor Plastic Mancunian don't get Thanksgiving. It's not an American holiday, you know. Canadians have Thanksgiving too. Just a day to give thanks.

    David Byrne has been a huge figure in our family for years. My son met him once.

  3. Hi Panda, We used to ha e a 'Thanksgiving Service' at church when I was little, when people would bring a grocery item and put it on the altar as an offering. Fairly sure the fod went to charity, possibly after the minister (understandably) picked out anything good for himself

  4. Do you have something similar in Australia? When families get together, eat, visit, and so on? Or do your reserve that for Christmas and the like?

  5. I hope you get your vacation in England next year.

  6. I recently heard an interview with David Byrne and he is quite an interesting character.

    Great song choice this week. I might have to give the whole album a listen.

  7. We, too, have a big kitty! He does bring us joy but he can be cranky when he doesn't get his morning nap!!
